Collie Futures Industry Development Fund WA

The Collie Futures Industry Development Fund provides matched funding for businesses to develop and expand industries and create job opportunities.
Application detail:

Applications may be made at any time.

What do you get?

Matched funding of up to $2 million.

Who is this for?

Businesses in the Collie region of WA.


The Collie Futures Industry Development Fund supports new and existing businesses in the Collie region of WA to develop new or expand existing industries. Successful projects will be those able to demonstrate a significant and sustainable impact on the local economy by increasing productivity and creating jobs.

The fund will focus on the following sectors where the Collie region has strength and growth prospects:

  • aged and health care
  • agribusiness
  • coal-related industries
  • energy
  • forest products
  • manufacturing and professional services
  • mineral processing
  • tourism

Project proposals that will be considered for funding include activities that aim to:

  • develop and commercialise new industries and business opportunities, including demonstration or pilot plants
  • integrate new technology to improve productivity of existing businesses or enables the development of new businesses
  • improve the infrastructure, plant or equipment that supports the development of new businesses or improves innovation and productivity of existing businesses
  • develop common-user infrastructure that addresses local infrastructure challenges that impact industry productivity or expansion, for example water, energy or transport infrastructure

Funding must be matched by a minimum co-contribution of 1:1.

Check if you can apply

  • be a valid legal entity that can enter into a funding agreement with the Western Australian Government
  • provide a summary project plan
  • demonstrate the impact of your proposal on the regional economy of Collie
  • be able to make the required cash co-contribution
  • demonstrate the alignment of the proposal outcomes with the objectives of the Collie Futures Fund

Apply now

Apply for the Collie Futures Industry Development Fund WA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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