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What to do when you have not been paid (Easy Read)
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You can download it to read later: What to do when you have not been paid – Easy Read (PDF 1 MB)
Check your contract

Your contract says
- what you will give or do for your customer
- how much they will pay you
- when they need to pay you.

Your contract can be
- written
- spoken
- a mix of both.

Check what your contract says about pay.

For help with your contract talk to a lawyer or adviser.
Remind your customer

Maybe your customer forgot to pay.

You can contact your customer to remind them
- by phone
- by email
- by letter
- in person.

Be friendly and polite.
If your customer can not afford to pay now

Ask your customer if they need a payment plan.

A payment plan is when you split the money into smaller amounts.

Your customer pays the smaller amounts every week or few weeks.
Write a letter of demand

If your customer still does not pay

Write a letter of demand.

A letter of demand says
- your customer must pay by the date you say
- you may talk to a lawyer if they do not pay.

You can give your letter of demand
- by email
- by post
- in person.

Download our letter of demand template.
Get help to fix your dispute

If your customer still does not pay

You may have a dispute. This means you and your customer do not agree.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman can help you find someone to fix your dispute. It is also called ASBFEO.

ASBFEO is part of the government.

Talk to ASBFEO by
- online form
- phone 1300 650 460
Talk to a debt collector

If your customer still does not pay

Talk to a debt collector. They help businesses get their money.

You pay the debt collector a fee.

Look for a debt collector online.
Talk to a lawyer or adviser

If your customer still does not pay

Talk to a lawyer or adviser who
- knows the law
- can tell you if you can go to court.

Some lawyers and advisers are free.
Others you need to pay for.

Be careful. Court can
- be stressful
- cost money
- take a long time.

ASBFEO can help you find a lawyer or adviser.

Talk to ASBFEO by
- online form
- phone 1300 650 460
Call us if you need help

Call us on 13 28 46 to get help with your business.

If you need help with English call TIS National on 13 14 50.