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Illustration showing the difference between bold and not-bold text

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The name 'business.gov.au' with the words 'we', 'our' and 'us' connected to it

The words we and our and us mean business.gov.au.

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Check your contract

A document with the word contract at the top

Your contract says

  • what you will give or do for your customer
  • how much they will pay you
  • when they need to pay you.
A document with the word contract at the top and a pen A person in a teal shirt talking to a woman in a green jacket A written contract next to a person who is talking

Your contract can be

  • written
  • spoken
  • a mix of both.
Two hands exchanging money

Check what your contract says about pay.

Person facing a lawyer with a written contract between them

For help with your contract talk to a lawyer or adviser.

Remind your customer

A woman in a green jacket scratching her head with money and a question mark in a thought bubble

Maybe your customer forgot to pay.

A person on a phone, an email on a laptop, a letter and two people facing each other

You can contact your customer to remind them

  • by phone
  • by email
  • by letter
  • in person.
A person in a teal shirt waving in a friendly way

Be friendly and polite.

If your customer can not afford to pay now

A woman in a green shirt and a person in a teal shirt with money and question mark in a speech bubble

Ask your customer if they need a payment plan.

Three boxes with the words payment plan on them and dollar signs

A payment plan is when you split the money into smaller amounts.

A calendar with three dollar signs on three different days

Your customer pays the smaller amounts every week or few weeks.

Write a letter of demand

Money changing hands with a red circle and line over the top

If your customer still does not pay

A document with the words letter of demand at the top and a pen

Write a letter of demand.

A wall calendar with an X marking one of the days A person in a teal shirt speaking to a person who is a lawyer wearing a tie

A letter of demand says

  • your customer must pay by the date you say
  • you may talk to a lawyer if they do not pay.
Person in a teal shirt sitting at a desk with an email on their laptop screen A hand posting a letter in a post box A person in a teal shirt handing a letter to a woman in a green jacket

You can give your letter of demand

  • by email
  • by post
  • in person.
A computer screen showing a download icon

Get help to fix your dispute

Money changing hands with a red circle and line over the top

If your customer still does not pay

A person in a teal shirt and a woman in a green jacket facing away from each other with arms crossed

You may have a dispute. This means you and your customer do not agree.

A person with a headset and the word ASBFEO under them next to a woman in a blue shirt

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman can help you find someone to fix your dispute. It is also called ASBFEO.

The word ASBFEO next to the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

ASBFEO is part of the government.

A person's hand passing money to another person's hand
You may need to pay a fee for help with your dispute.
A person wearing a headset in front of a computer

Talk to ASBFEO by

Talk to a debt collector

Money changing hands with a red circle and line over the top

If your customer still does not pay

A woman in a blue jacket standing next to a shop with money in a speech bubble

Talk to a debt collector. They help businesses get their money.

A person's hand passing money to another person's hand

You pay the debt collector a fee.

A person using a laptop at a table

Look for a debt collector online.

Talk to a lawyer or adviser

Money changing hands with a red circle and line over the top

If your customer still does not pay

A person who is a lawyer wearing a tie with an information icon in a speech bubble

Talk to a lawyer or adviser who

  • knows the law
  • can tell you if you can go to court.
A person's hand passing money to another person's hand A person's hand passing money to another person's hand with a red cross at the top

Some lawyers and advisers are free.

Others you need to pay for.

A courthouse with a warning sign, a dollar sign and a clock

Be careful. Court can

  • be stressful
  • cost money
  • take a long time.
A person with a headset and the word ASBFEO under them next to a person in a tie

ASBFEO can help you find a lawyer or adviser.

A person wearing a headset in front of a computer

Talk to ASBFEO by

Call us if you need help

A person talking on a mobile phone

Call us on 13 28 46 to get help with your business.

An operator at the business.gov.au contact centre
We can talk to you between 8 am and 8 pm from Monday to Friday.
Person with a speech bubble that contains the word 'hello' in English. There is a red X over the speech bubble A mobile phone with the letters TIS on the screen

If you need help with English call TIS National on 13 14 50.

An operator in the TIS call centre speaking multiple languages.
TIS National helps you talk to us in your own language.
A person handing money to another person, with a large red X to indicate this is not required.
Most of their services are free.