Our services

To help you plan around outages to our online services, we'll publish dates and information about any upcoming work we schedule.

Where possible, we arrange work to be done outside of business hours to minimise any impact on your business.

You'll find information on this page for the following business.gov.au services:

Supported browsers and operating systems

Our website works with modern web browsers and uses a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit the size and type of device being used to access it, for example smartphone, tablet or desktop.

business.gov.au is tested to display and function correctly against the following browser and operating system combinations:

  • Firefox - Current version and previous version on Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.
  • Google Chrome - Current version and previous version on Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.
  • Microsoft Edge - Current version and previous version on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android.
  • Safari - Current version and previous version on MacOS and iOS.
  • Samsung Internet - Current version and previous version on Android.

What to do if there's a technical issue

If our services aren't working as expected, you can contact us between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, across Australia. We'll try to help you troubleshoot or provide you with the information you need.

When you contact us it can be helpful to tell us the:

  • date and time it happened
  • website or online service you were using
  • web page you were viewing
  • browser you were using (such as FireFox, Safari or Chrome)
  • device you were using (such as mobile phone, laptop or desktop)
  • operating system your device uses (such as Windows, iOS, Linux).

Stay informed

Follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for updates and reminders on planned and unplanned outages and interruptions to business.gov.au services.

Service schedules for other Australian Government agencies

Visit the following websites to find out about planned interruptions and outages that may impact your business for:

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