Workshop for VIC businesses

Event organiser:
VIC - Business Victoria

As a small business owner, you already know that having a good online presence is super important. More and more people are searching for products & services online using Google, social media and other tools, and if you don’t have a good online presence, they won’t be able to find you and will end up taking their business elsewhere.

But what does “a good online presence” actually look like in 2024? What really matters when it comes to reaching customers & clients online? And how can you get yourself set up quickly, without spending a fortune, especially if all this “online stuff” is not exactly your thing?

This workshop answers those questions and sets you on the path to building an online presence for your small business. We’ll cover why it’s important for EVERY business to be online, the 3 core elements of your business’ online presence, and how to get it done quickly, easily and inexpensively, no matter how technical (or not) you might be!


  • Cost:Free
  • Date:Wed 17 Jul 2024
  • Time:8:30 - 11:30 am AEST
  • Address:Wangaratta Digital Hub, 21a Docker Street, Wangaratta, VIC, 3677

Register for this event through Eventbrite


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