Who can use this tool

Use this tool if you are working on a development or major project. It will help you understand which Australian Government approvals you need.

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Time to complete

Around 10 minutes

Time to complete

Around 10 minutes

What you'll need

You don’t need any documentation up front to use this tool.

What you'll get

This tool can help you work out:

  • the Australian Government approvals you need, and
  • the approvals process you must consider.


The tool has been developed as a guide to provide information about the Australian Government regulatory approvals needed for a development or major project. The information in this tool is provided on the basis that anyone who accesses the tool, needs to consider the relevance and accuracy of the information supplied, and how it relates to their particular circumstances. We recommend that you seek independent professional advice where required.

The Major Projects Facilitation Agency

Are you investing in or looking to invest in a major project?

The Major Projects Facilitation Agency provides regulatory information, coordination and facilitation services to assist your investment decisions.

It is the first point of contact for investors and proponents of major projects who are trying to understand Australian Government approval processes for major projects.

For more information, visit the Major Projects Facilitation Agency.