Tasmanian Business Advice Service
This service provides up to 5 hours free and independent advice for established Tasmanian businesses to help them run and grow their business.
The Tasmanian Business Advice Service is designed to support established businesses that:
- employ 19 or less full time equivalent (FTE) employees
- have held an Australian business number (ABN) for at least 12 months.
Advisors can help you with a wide variety of topics, including:
- managing cashflow
- diversification strategies
- marketing
- risk management
- small business planning and small business strategy.
If you are interested in meeting with an advisor, please complete the simple registration form below and an advisor will contact you to arrange an appointment.
For more information about this service and assistance with registration, contact Business Tasmania.
If you are thinking about starting a business or have held an ABN for less than 12 months, support is available through the New Business Support Pilot Program.
Delivery type:
In person services, Phone services, Online services
Service area:
Find out more
- Phone:
- Email:
- Website:
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