Financial professionals

Financial professions can help you to:

  • maintain your books
  • create and stick to a budget
  • monitor your cash flow
  • decide on things like buying equipment, expanding your business, and leasing or buying a commercial space.

There are many choices available when it comes to financial professionals. Take some time to find one that's right for you.

Consider using these professionals:

  • Accountant – to help with your business financial needs like preparing financial statements, managing your tax and providing you with financial and business advice.
  • Bookkeeper – to keep track of your day-to-day financial transactions, look after your banking, chase overdue payments, pay wages and prepare some financial statements.
  • Business activity statement (BAS) agent – to help you prepare and lodge your BAS so you get it right the first time. They're registered professionals who are specialists in their field. You can find registered BAS agents on the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) register.

Financial counsellors

If you're in financial difficulty, a financial counsellor can help you manage your affairs in the short-term and plan for the future. Financial counsellors provide a free, confidential and independent service.

National Debt Helpline - 1800 007 007

The free National Debt Helpline is open from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. When you call, you'll be transferred to the service in your state.

Mob Strong Debt Help - 1800 808 488

Mob Strong Debt Help is a free legal advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from anywhere in Australia.

The service is open from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Small Business Support Line - 1800 413 828

The Small Business Debt Helpline is a free service for small business owners in financial difficulty. The team of qualified financial counsellors will listen and give you practical advice to help you get back on track. The service is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Rural Financial Counselling

The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides free and independent financial counselling to eligible farmers, fishers, foresters and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.

The Regional Small Business Support Program provides financial counselling and related services for small regional businesses facing hardship due to drought, the COVID-19 pandemic or 2019-20 bushfires.

Free or low cost business advisers

Some business advisory services will offer free or low cost financial advice.

Financial resources in your state or territory

Need help understanding financial terms?

There are many financial terms you may not have heard of or need some help to understand.

Learn some key financial terms that you might need to know when dealing with accountants, financial services, or running your business.

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