Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund NT

This program provides manufacturing enterprises with funding to help them grow advanced manufacturing capabilities in the Northern Territory.
Closes in 632 days

Closing date: Tuesday 30 June 2026 Tue 30 Jun 2026

Application detail:

Apply at any time.

What do you get?

Matched funding of between $25,000 and $500,000.

Who is this for?

Small to medium manufacturing enterprises.


Funding is available to support manufacturing projects in the Northern Territory that:

  • commercialise new products and processes
  • transition new products or processes from pilot/prototype stage to full commercial operations
  • support early stage, small scale and pilot research projects in advanced manufacturing.

Project activities may include but are not limited to:

  • collaboration and networking with other businesses to develop a product and establish market potential
  • collaboration with research and technology hubs to test ideas and share knowledge
  • engagement with external professionals to provide commercialisation and market advice
  • acquisition, construction or installation and commission of new machinery and equipment to facilitate the project (limited to 25% of grant funding)
  • development of a product for commercialisation using high vale manufacturing techniques or processes such as rapid prototyping or using state-of-art manufacturing plant.

This program will benefit smaller firms and early stage research supporting the move to larger scale commercialisation.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, you must:

  • be an Australian manufacturing enterprise with up to 199 employees
  • be undertaking a manufacturing project in the NT that aligns with one or more of the NT Manufacturing Priorities
  • have an Australian company number (ACN)
  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be non-tax-exempt
  • be registered for goods and services tax (GST).

Apply now

Apply for the Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund NT

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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