Sponsorship for events that support the promotion of trade and investment in WA
Event Support WA
This program provides funding for events that support the promotion of trade and investment prospects for WA.
Application detail:
Apply at any time.
What do you get?
Funding of up to $10,000.
Who is this for?
Events that support the promotion and trade and investment in WA.
This program aims to create a diverse calendar of events, in WA and overseas, to promote WA as a destination of choice for business.
Applications are encouraged for events that support WA's 8 priority sectors:
- energy
- tourism, events and creative industries
- international education
- defence industries
- mining and METS
- space industries
- health and medical life sciences
- primary industries.
Check if you can apply
To be eligible, the event must:
- be considered a business event such as an expo, trade show, trade and investment forum, business conference or similar and can be a hybrid, virtual or in-person event
- strengthen the connections between WA and international markets of strategic importance.
Apply now
Apply for the Event Support WA
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
- Email:
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