Cash flow support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
Invoice Finance
Apply at any time.
What do you get?
Invoice finance.
Who is this for?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses.
Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) provides invoice finance to assist Indigenous-owned businesses to take advantage of new contract or sales opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach.
Invoice finance provides businesses with revolving cash flow based on the value of credit sales or major contracts. Aligned to the business’s cash flow cycle, contract or sales activity, invoice finance provides the necessary working capital to enable the business to finance the usual costs of delivery, such as wages, inventory, raw materials and transport costs. This provides certainty to the buyer and strengthens the competitiveness of the business.
Invoice finance is best suited to established businesses:
- with at least 50% Indigenous ownership
- with a track record of sound performance, minimum 2 years profitable trading
- with minimum sales of $500,000 per annum
- that experience seasonal sales
- that are growing rapidly
- that are smaller or under capitalised
- that operate in markets where debtor terms exceed supplier terms
- whose owners lack the security to access bank finance.
Apply now
Apply for the Invoice Finance
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
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