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Funding for Tasmanian-based advanced manufacturing enterprises
Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Program TAS
The Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Program provides Tasmanian advanced manufacturing enterprises with funding to purchase capital equipment.
This grant is currently closed to applications
What do you get?
Funding of up to $100,000.
Who is this for?
Tasmanian-based advanced manufacturing enterprises.
Matched funding is available to Tasmanian-based advanced manufacturing enterprises to purchase capital equipment, linked to a market driven expansion opportunity with resulting increased employment.
Eligible expenditure includes:
- plant and equipment to be used in the manufacturing process
- commissioning costs.
Check if you can apply
To be eligible, you must:
- be a Tasmanian-based advanced manufacturing enterprise or a high-tech, Tasmanian based business that supports manufacturing inputs such as software or component development necessary for an advanced product
- have an Australian business number (ABN)
- be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
- have annual sales turnover greater than $500,000 and less than $55 million
- not be a consultant or intermediary
- not be subject to any legal disability, including bankruptcy or liquidation.
Apply now
Apply for the Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Program TAS
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
- Email: