AgRi-Silience Program SA

This program provides SA grazier and broadacre farm businesses with funded access to expert advisers to help them recover and adapt to climate and other challenges.
Closes in 91 days

Closing date: Monday 30 June 2025 Mon 30 Jun 2025

What do you get?

Support and mentoring.

Who is this for?

SA primary production businesses.


Applicants can access funded support from expert advisers in the form of on-farm assistance and group workshops to help businesses recover and adapt to climate and other challenges. AgRi-Silience consists of a series of 3 workshops (3 days) and a one-on-one coaching review with the local facilitator. 

Workshops will focus on:

  • strategic farm business management and planning
  • farm risk management and informed decision-making
  • natural resource management
  • personal and social resilience.

Participants of AgRi-Silience will have the opportunity to access financial assistance from PIRSA (up to the value of $1000 ex. GST) to cover the costs of travel and childcare incurred as a result of participation in the program.

Check if you can apply

To participate in the program, applicants must:

  • trade as a primary production business
  • undertake all aspects of the business wholly within Australia
  • have an Australian business number (ABN) and be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
  • farm in one of the agricultural regions in South Australia
  • be established under the legal structure of a sole trader, trust, partnership, or private company.

Apply now

Apply for the AgRi-Silience Program SA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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