Australia–Austria Industrial Decarbonisation Demonstration Partnerships Program

The Australia-Austria Industrial Decarbonisation Demonstration Partnerships Program provides funding for joint Australian and Austrian decarbonisation projects. It supports the development of innovative technologies, processes or solutions to decarbonise hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries.
Closes in less than a day

Closing date: Thursday 18 July 2024 5:00pm AEST Thu 18 Jul 2024 5:00pm AEST

What do you get?

A grant from $150,000 to $3,500,000, to cover up to 25% of eligible project expenditure.

Who is this for?

Industry organisations in partnership with Austrian counterparts who are eligible for the grant under the Australia-Austria Call 2024: Industrial Decarbonisation program.


The program supports collaborative demonstration or pilot/test projects between Australia and Austria that strengthen connections between Australian and Austrian industry and support the development of innovative decarbonisation technologies, processes or solutions for hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries.

At present, there are few commercially viable routes to the full industrial decarbonisation of hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries. The program will help demonstrate the commercial viability of industrial decarbonisation solutions and promote their wider acceptance in industry.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • advance the development and deployment of innovative technologies, processes or solutions to decarbonise hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries including ironmaking and steelmaking, chemicals manufacturing, the production of lime and cement, or alumina and aluminium production
  • incentivise action by industry by reducing the financial and technical risks of industrial decarbonisation demonstration projects
  • foster greater collaboration between industry in Australia and Austria
  • leverage private and non-Commonwealth funding towards clean energy technologies and projects in Australia
  • build industry expertise and share knowledge and information from the program, in line with the aims of the Net-Zero Industries Mission.

Information sessions

Information sessions for prospective Australian applicants were held in April 2024. A recording of one session is available below. 

An information session for prospective Austrian applicants will be held in May 2024. Please refer to

Information session transcript

pdf · 0.15 MB docx · 0.04 MB

Information session slides

pdf · 0.55 MB

Question and answers

Additional information on the Australia-Austria Joint Call 2024 is available and has been updated to include questions and answers provided in the information sessions.

Should you need more information or have further questions, please contact us at any time at to discuss your individual circumstances.

Check if you can apply

You can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are a set of rules that describe who we can consider for this grant. You can apply if you:

  • are an eligible entity
  • have an eligible project
  • have eligible expenditure.

The rules are in the grant opportunity guidelines.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • are registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)

and are one of the following entities:

  • an entity, incorporated in Australia
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.

We can only accept applications:

  • where project activities are undertaken in both Australia and Austria
  • where you provide all mandatory attachments
  • where you identify an Austrian project partner that will or has applied for funding under the Australia-Austria Call 2024: Industrial Decarbonisation (Austrian applicants only).

You can’t apply if you are:

  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
  • an individual
  • a sole trader
  • a partnership
  • an overseas resident/organisation
  • a university or research organisation or an entity whose primary purpose is to undertake research (however, they can be a partner in a joint application)
  • an unincorporated association
  • a trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust)
  • a Commonwealth, state, territory or local government body (including government business enterprises)
  • a non-corporate Commonwealth entity
  • any other organisation not included in section 4.1 of the grant opportunity guidelines.

Partner with other organisations

You can partner with other Australian research organisations, universities or companies with operations in Australia. But you must appoint a lead organisation.

The lead organisation must fill out the application form.

If we give your group the grant, the lead organisation:

  • signs the grant agreement
  • is responsible for making sure your group follows the rules in the grant agreement.

You must complete your project by 31 March 2028.

To be eligible your project must:

  • have at least $600,000 in eligible expenditure
  • advance the development and deployment of innovative technologies, processes or solutions required to support net-zero emissions in energy-intensive hard-to-abate sectors
  • be, or be directly linked to, a physical demonstration or pilot/test plant and have a Technology Readiness Level of 5 to 8
  • be delivered in Australia and Austria.

You can apply for a grant between $150,000 and $3,500,000.

You can use this grant funding for:

  • direct labour and labour on-costs
  • contractors
  • domestic travel
  • overseas travel
  • staff training
  • financial auditing of project expenditure
  • costs to obtain planning, environmental or other regulatory approvals
  • contingency costs.

Other specific expenditures may be eligible as determined by the program delegate.

How to apply

Check if you’re ready to apply for a grant

Finding a suitable grant opportunity is just the start of the process to get funding. The application process can take time and effort. Understanding the entire process will help you be grant ready and may improve your chances of getting funding.

Use our checklist to find out what it takes to apply for a grant.

When you're ready to apply

Apply using our online portal:

  1. Create or log into your portal account.
  2. Follow the instructions to complete your application.
  3. Submit your application before the close date.

Make sure you include enough detail and supporting evidence in your application to help us decide whether to award you the grant.

Don’t submit the application until it’s complete. You can’t correct a mistake.

First we check that you meet the eligibility criteria.

If eligible, the Committee will then assess it against the assessment criteria. Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.

The assessment criteria are a set of rules that describe how we must assess each application.

We give each criterion a certain number of points.

We’ll decide whether to award you the grant based on the total number of points we give your application.

  • Assessment criterion 1: Project alignment with program objectives (50 points)
  • Assessment criterion 2: Capacity, capability and resources to deliver the project (25 points)
  • Assessment criterion 3: Impact of the grant funding on your project (25 points)

The amount of detail and supporting evidence you provide should be relative to the project size, complexity and grant amount requested.

The decision maker makes the final decision taking into account advice from the Committee and the availability of grant funds.

Apply now

Apply for the Australia-Austria Industrial Decarbonisation Demonstration Program now

Before you apply, make sure you:

  • read and understand the grant opportunity guidelines.
Apply now

Sample applications

The best way to understand what information you need to provide is to start an application. We have also provided a version to download at the bottom of this page.

Technical help

See our customer portal's frequently asked questions to help with your queries. If you can't find your answer, contact us for assistance.

We can’t consider the application you submit after the close date under any circumstances.


Need help?

Let us answer your question via phone, email or live chat. And if we can't help, we'll put you in touch with someone who can.

  • Phone:
  • Open Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm across Australia
  • Website:

Key documents

Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.48 MB docx · 0.54 MB

Sample application form

pdf · 0.29 MB docx · 0.11 MB

Sample grant agreement

pdf · 0.44 MB docx · 0.15 MB

Australia-Austria Joint Call 2024 – Additional Information

pdf · 0.46 MB docx · 0.37 MB

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