Registered AFOFs

The following limited partnerships are registered with Innovation and Science Australia under s13‑1(2) of the Venture Capital Act 2002 as an Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds.

Registered Partnership Contact Target Investment Registration Date
Artesian Australian Venture Capital Fund 2, I.L.P.
Mr Matthew Clunies-Ross
Artesian Venture Capital Fund of Funds Management, I.L.P.
Level 3, 45 Wangaratta Street
Richmond VIC 3121
The Partnership will gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of 500 plus startups with high growth potential though investments in 5 to 10 early stage venture capital limited partnerships. 30/08/2019
Artesian Venture Capital Fund of Funds, I.L.P.
Ms Mei Lee
Artesian Venture Capital Fund of Funds Management, ILP
Level 3, 45 Wangaratta Street
Richmond VIC 3121
The Partnership expects to invest in 5 to 15  early stage venture capital limited partnerships that will together have interests in approximately 500 to 1,000 early stage companies. 16/08/2013
CSIRO Fund of Funds LP
Jenny Baxter
CSIRO General Partner 2 Pty Ltd
CSIRO Data 61, Level 5, 13 Garden Street
Eveleigh NSW 2015
Phone: (02) 9490 8260
The Partnership intends to support the commercialisation of technology innovations from CSIRO, universities and other publicly funded Australian research bodies by directly and indirectly investing in deep tech based ventures sourced from CSIRO and other Australian research institutions. 1/03/2018
Opus Venture Capital Fund of Funds
Mr Guy Hedley
S1901, 1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 0438 655 158
The Partnership will invest in unconditionally registered venture capital limited partnerships and early stage venture capital limited partnerships and eligible companies. 2/09/2016
Pindari Capital SIV Venture Capital and Private Equity Fund II LP
Mr Edward Hewitt-Taylor
Pindari Capital GP II VCMP
Suite 4, Level 16, 55 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 9958 9008
The Partnership will invest in VCLPs and permitted co-investments that are permitted to be held by an Australian fund of funds. The Partnerships aims to gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized businesses at the buyout and later expansion financing stages of private equity that have consistently delivered strong returns to investors. The anticipated investment horizon is between 4 to 6 years, depending on the terms of the underlying investments. 26/08/2021
Pindari Capital SIV Venture Capital and Private Equity Fund LP
Mr Stephen Li
Pindari Funds Management GP VCMP
Suite 4, Level 16, 55 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 9958 9008
The Partnership will provide investors with the opportunity to invest in Australian venture capital and or private equity (VCPE) fund(s) registered under the early stage venture capital limited partnership or venture capital limited partnership programs. 12/06/2018
RAM Private Opportunities (AFOF) Fund
Mr Michael Christodoulou
RAM Private Opportunities Management LP
Level 46, Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 8488 6992
The Partnership invests in VCLPs, ESVCLPs and other eligible co-investments. 28/01/2022
Salter Brothers Series H (AFOF) Fund, LP
Ms Cindy Seetoh
Salter Brothers VCMP, LP
Level 9, 477 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 0488 101 086
The Partnership intends to target venture capital limited partnerships and early stage venture capital limited partnerships or (if permitted) certain eligible venture capital investments in Australia and gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized businesses with growth and free cash flow. The anticipated investment horizon is between 5 to 10 years. 19/05/2017
Stafford Growth Fund 5, LP
Mr Dan Bowden
Stafford Growth Fund 5
Level 18, 31 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 9169 8300
The Partnership offers diversification across multiple underlying funds, with an investment preference for growth private equity managers investing in established, profitable, companies. 21/08/2017
Vantage Private Equity Growth 3, LP
Mr Michael Tobin
Vantage Private Equity Management Partnership, LP
Level 50, 120 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (02) 9067 3133
The Partnership is to target venture capital or eligible venture capital investments permitted to be held by an Australian fund of fund in Australia. The Partnership aims to gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized business at the buyout and later expansion financing stage of private equity that have consistently delivered strong returns to investors. 7/03/2017
Vantage Private Equity Growth 4 LP
Mr Michael Tobin
Vantage Private Equity Management Partnership, LP
Level 50, 120 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (02) 9067 3133
The Partnership will target venture capital limited partnerships and or eligible venture capital investments permitted to be held by an Australian Fund of Fund. The Partnership aims to gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized business at the buyout and later expansion financing stage of private equity that have consistently delivered strong returns to investors. 12/02/2020
Vantage Private Equity Growth 5, LP
Mr Michael Tobin
Vantage Private Equity Management Partnership, LP
Level 39, Aurora Place, 88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: (02) 9067 3133
ThePartnership will target venture capital limited partnerships and or eligible venture capital investments permitted to be held by an Australian Fund of Fund. The Partnership aims to gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized business at the growth, later expansion and financing stages of private equity that have consistently delivered strong returns to investors. 18/07/2022
Vantage Private Equity Growth 6, LP
Michael Tobin
Vantage Private Equity Management Partnership, LP
Level 39, Aurora Place, 88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 0290673133
To target VCLPs and or eligible venture capital investments permitted to be held by an AFOF. The Partnership aims to gain exposure through these interposed funds to small and medium sized business at the growth, later expansion and financing stages of private equity with consistently strong returns. 2/06/2024

The Registration date refers to the date a Delegate of Innovation and Science Australia registered the AFOF, under s13-1(2) of the Venture Capital Act 2002.

Conditionally Registered AFOFs

The following limited partnerships are conditionally registered with Innovation and Science Australia under s13-5(2) of the Venture Capital Act 2002 as an Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds. The partnerships have 24 months to raise capital; otherwise their conditional registration automatically lapses.

Registered Partnership Contact Target Investment Registration Date
Titan Venture Capital Fund LP
Michael Kohn
Level 4, 380 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 9608 2160
The Partnership seeks to invest in eligible venture capital investments and where permitted make complying co-investments. The partnership intends to diversify and spread investments amongst a variety of investments in order to keep the orverall volatility of the investment portfolio low. The partnership will invest in funds which can demonstrate strong management teams, clearly defined strategies and an investment management team which can demonstrate a robust track record. 6/03/2023

The Conditional registration date refers to the date a Delegate of Innovation and Science Australia conditionally registered the AFOF, under s13-5(2) of the Venture Capital Act 2002.

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