Back to Work Program QLD

This program provides businesses with support to employ eligible unemployed jobseekers.
Application detail:

Apply at any time.

What do you get?

Funding varies.

Who is this for?

Queensland businesses.


The Back to Work program provides both financial and non-financial support to eligible Queensland employers and jobseekers who identify as belonging to one or more of the program's target groups, which include:

  • First Nations peoples
  • people with disability
  • youth (aged 15 to 24)
  • culturally and linguistically diverse peoples
  • long-term unemployed persons (minimum of 52 weeks or longer).

In addition to incentive payments, regional teams can provide advice and support tailored for individual business needs including assistance in supporting their new employee to retain employment.

The program is available throughout regional Queensland and some areas of South East Queensland (SEQ).

Check if you can apply

To be eligible for funding, employers must:

  • be compliant with workplace health and safety, industrial relations and taxation legislation
  • demonstrate a genuine commitment to ongoing employment of the employee.

Apply now

Apply for the Back to Work Program QLD

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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