Community Investments Stream: Round 3 grant recipients
Learn who are the successful applicants of round 3 of the Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream.
See below for the list of successful applicants that have been offered funding under the Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream: Round 3.
Applicant Organisation | Project Name | Project Description | Project Location | State | Grant Approved | Total Project Cost |
District Council Of Karoonda East Murray | Karoonda East Murray Economic Development and Tourism Strategy | The project will deliver a strategy for economic and tourism development in the Karoonda and Murraylands region, resulting in greater investment and employment opportunities to reverse the trend in population and economic decline. | Karoonda | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Great Southern Centre For Outdoor Recreation Excellence Limited | Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan | The project will deliver a Regional Trails Master Plan for the Great Southern region of WA over a ten year period. The Plan will outline an infrastructure development program for a wide range of trail experiences suited to different user groups across the region. | Albany | WA | $129,482 | $347,355 |
Cessnock City Council | Cessnock City Economic Development Strategy & Business Opportunities | The project will develop a suite of Strategic and Action Planning documents towards economic growth and community development in the Cessnock LGA in the Hunter Valley NSW. The five plans will address economic growth, profile business opportunities, tourism development, an agribusiness cluster initiative and improved coordination for three CBD areas. | Cessnock | NSW | $50,000 | $98,000 |
Shire Of Lake Grace | Astrotourism Towns | The project will deliver six community stargazing events, and a plan to develop a stargazing tourism trail, to grow astrotourism events and businesses, in the Wheatbelt and Mid-west regions. | Lake Grace | WA | $36,000 | $48,000 |
Kangaroo Island Industry And Brand Alliance | KANGAROO ISLAND GROWTH PROJECT STAGE 2 | The project will deliver a Tourism, Food and Beverage Expo, a Regional Events Bid Strategy and programs to increase leadership capability, capacity and strategic growth on Kangaroo Island. | Kingscote | SA | $135,000 | $180,000 |
Blue Mountains Economic Enterprise | Study of Post School Pathways For Blue Mountains Youth - Opportunities | The project will develop research on post-school pathways for the Blue Mountains’ local youth in order to develop and inform the strategic planning around economic and labour force engagement in the region. | Katoomba | NSW | $19,998 | $19,998 |
North East Victoria Tourism Board Inc. | Ride High Country Signage Strategy | The project will deliver a strategy focused on developing cycle tourism signage that is consistent across the region, as well as improving the cycle experience through enhanced safety and access. | Beechworth | VIC | $50,000 | $100,000 |
Fraser Coast Regional Council | Fraser Coast Events Strategy 2019 - 2023 | The project will develop a five year Fraser Coast events strategic plan to help maximise community participation, guide future investment decisions and identify sustainable economic/social opportunities for the Fraser Coast region. | Torquay | QLD | $20,000 | $40,000 |
Burnett Catchment Care Association | Inland Burnett: SMART Audit and Strategic Gap Analysis | The project will deliver a regional resource audit and strategic gap analysis of Inland Burnett farming resources and identify impediments farmers face in accessing these resources. | North & South Burnett Regions | QLD | $99,547 | $119,547 |
Palm Island Aboriginal Council | Palm Island Aquaculture Industry Development Strategy | The project will commission external consultants to prepare a Strategic Plan for sustainable aquaculture ventures and operations for Palm Island. The Strategic Plan will identify aquaculture models that are commercially feasible, culturally appropriate and economically and socially sustainable. | Palm Island | QLD | $45,000 | $60,000 |
Livingstone Shire Council | Invest Capricorn Coast Region Business and Investment Attraction Plan | The project will deliver a strategic plan that will inform the Livingstone Shire Council regarding economic development and investment attraction for businesses in the region. | Yeppoon | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
City Of Victor Harbor | Fleurieu Cruise Ship and Boating Tourism Planning Study | The project will develop a Fleurieu Cruise Ship and Boating Tourism Study. | Victor Harbor | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
City Of Darwin | Creative Enterprise Skills for Public Artists - Workshop Series | The project will deliver a series of workshops and events to assist emerging Darwin mural artists to successfully deliver commissioned art projects through developing their capacity to run creative enterprises, facilitate community art projects and create art at scale in public spaces. The project will include mentorship programs, art workshops and community events at the Darwin Fringe Festival and the Seabreeze Festival. | Darwin City | NT | $45,000 | $90,000 |
Alexandrina Council | Ngoppen Ngarrindjeri Ruwe 'Walking Ngarrindjeri Land' at Goolwa Wharf | The project will work with Ngarrindjeri people to produce an Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Strategy, Ngoppen, Ngarrindjeri Ruwe (Walking Ngarrindjeri Land). | Goolwa | SA | $25,000 | $50,000 |
District Council Of Peterborough | Peterborough Live, Play, Stay Branding Strategy | The project will engage a consultant to develop a branding strategy for the Peterborough region. | Peterborough | SA | $17,915 | $20,000 |
Greater Shepparton City Council | 2020 UCI BMX Supercross World Cup - Shepparton | The project will deliver the 2020 UCI BMX Supercross World Cup to Shepparton, a three day event, which also includes an amateur participation event and food and music festival. | Shepparton | VIC | $145,000 | $699,740 |
Balonne Shire Council | Balonne Shire Events Strategy | The project will develop a strategic plan focusing on events in the Balonne Shire region. The objective of the plan is to inform the council about strategies to increase the number of visitors to the region. | St George | QLD | $55,000 | $55,000 |
Brisbane Broncos Rugby League Club Limited | Brisbane Broncos Girls Leadership Summit | This project will deliver a four day leadership camp for 30 Indigenous female high school students. | Miles | QLD | $20,000 | $40,000 |
Christmas Island Tourism Association (Inc.) | Christmas Island: Sharing our rich culture and history | The project will deliver a strategic plan to improve the Christmas Island visitor experience through appropriate directional signage and the development of special interest trails. | Christmas Island | WA | $19,500 | $20,000 |
Cloncurry Shire Council | Indigenous Cultural Tourism Strategic Plan | The project will commission external Indigenous consultants to prepare an Indigenous Cultural Tourism Strategic Plan for the Cloncurry Shire Council. The consultants will work with local Indigenous communities to identify opportunities for skills development, training and employment to support the development of Indigenous tourism business ventures, including product development and cultural tours. | Cloncurry | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
The Derwent Catchment Project Inc | Sustainable tourism and agricultural growth in the Derwent Valley | The project will hold a series of collaborative workshops with Derwent Valley tourism and agricultural sector representatives to identify and address opportunities and threats shared by these sectors and so to develop a strategic plan. | Hamilton | TAS | $19,200 | $19,200 |
Shoalhaven Professional Business Association Incorporated | Compass 2.0 Creating next generation Shoalhaven Business Leaders | The project will provide regional leadership training with the aim of developing leadership qualities among local business and industry participants who will then share their experience and mentor others. | Nowra | NSW | $18,600 | $18,600 |
Great Southern Centre For Outdoor Recreation Excellence Limited | Great Southern Learning Adventures Strategic Marketing Plan | This project will deliver a strategic marketing and communications plan focusing on the promotion of the natural, cultural and heritage assets of the Great Southern region of Western Australia. | Albany | WA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Tablelands Regional Council | Tablelands Smart Community Strategy | The project will develop a strategic plan that will identify actionable community projects in the Tablelands region that are aligned with the Tablelands Regional Council Smart City Plan and Roadmap. | Atherton | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Destination Riverland Incorporated | Riverland Tourism Plan 2030 | The project will develop the Riverland Tourism strategic plan 2030 that will build on the successes of the Riverland Tourism Plan 2020 and identify further opportunities to maximise visitation and economic yield. | Berri | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Regional Australia Institute Ltd | The Rural Migration Initiative - National Coordination | The project will develop a series of roadshows across rural areas, intended to share a toolkit created to support those small communities around Australia seeking population growth and community renewal by attracting and settling migrants. | $194,997 | $259,997 | ||
Murray And Mallee Local Government Association | Riverland Social Indicators Project | The project will deliver a statistical report based on a comprehensive set of social indicators, which will be used to facilitate better decision making and targeted application of resources for the Riverland region. | Renmark | SA | $77,440 | $154,880 |
Beyond The Bell Great South Coast Ltd | Youth Conversations | The project will undertake collaborative research in partnership with the Youth Affairs Council Victoria and stakeholders to engage with 1,000 young people (aged 12-19) across the Great South Coast of Victoria over a period of six months to identify strategies to improve services and support for educational attainment in the region. The final report prepared by Deakin University will be independently evaluated and shared with stakeholders. | Warrnambool | VIC | $49,435 | $98,870 |
Mountain Bike Australia Limited | Mountain Biking in Australia - An Economic and Participation Analysis | The project will quantify and qualify the economic and social benefits of mountain biking in Australia, with a particular focus on rural and regional communities. Detailed analysis will provide evidence based data regarding mountain biking participation rates, with a particular focus on non-competitive participation. The research will support trail development, strategic plans and inform future tourism and economic investment in the sector. | Varsity Lakes | QLD | $40,820 | $81,640 |
Town Of Gawler | Gawler Economic Development Strategy | The project will deliver a strategic plan to identify how the Town of Gawler can leverage assets and relationships to increase economic activity, create jobs and enhance business development opportunities in the region. | Gawler East | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
City Of Playford | Maximising Economic & Social Benefits on the Northern Adelaide Plains | This project will undertake research, consultation and analysis to result in an industry-led strategic plan for the Northern Adelaide Plains horticulture industry. | Virginia | SA | $49,600 | $99,200 |
Jumpleads Nfp Limited | Arts ACTION: inspiring effective leadership in the arts | The project will deliver a program which will include professional development activities and tailored outcomes for up to 60 visual artists, aiming to expand capability, productivity, aspiration, market reach and art sales. | Bendigo | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Charters Towers Regional Council | Development of a Tourism Strategy for the Charters Towers Region | The project will develop a tourism strategy and implementation plan for the Charters Towers region. | Charters Towers City | QLD | $75,000 | $100,000 |
Cairns Regional Council | Youth Urban Art Project - Pride of Place | The project will provide youth-created urban artworks at five locations across the Cairns region, where youth will build technical skills and gain experience in leadership, design, community consultation, negotiation and work ethics. | Babinda | QLD | $50,000 | $100,000 |
Griffith & District Citrus Growers Incorporate | Strategic plan to support a Riverina citrus centre of excellence | The project will develop a strategic plan for a Riverina Citrus Centre of Excellence at the Griffith Research Facility. The plan will build on an existing Business Case to provide orchard trial sites and research and education to drive citrus industry growth and profitability. The BBRF project will require industry wide consultation to ensure that business outcomes meet the industry's future requirements in skills, workforce, technology and resources. | Yoogali | NSW | $19,990 | $19,990 |
Adelaide Hills Tourism Incorporated | Enhancing Digital Capability across South Australia's Regions | The project will provide a training and development program for 160 key tourism industry people from eight different regions across South Australia, intending to develop skills in digital, social media and online marketing. | Penneshaw | SA | $40,000 | $80,000 |
Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism Ltd | Strategic Master Plan to the Visitor Economy of the Great Ocean Road | The project will update a regional Strategic Master Plan which serves as a collaborative framework for six local governments, tourism businesses and community suppliers situated along the Great Ocean Road to manage the region’s tourism economy. | Torquay | VIC | $50,000 | $100,000 |
Naracoorte Lucindale Council | Naracoorte World Heritage Festival and Fun Run | The project will deliver an event incorporating a fun run and a festival of cultural and social activities. The event will celebrate the Naracoorte Caves 50 year anniversary of the discovery of one of the world's 10 greatest fossil sites and 25 years since the Naracoorte Caves were added to the World Heritage list. | Naracoorte | SA | $20,000 | $40,400 |
Tablelands Regional Council | Tablelands Tourism Strategy | The project will develop a strategic plan that will guide industry and local government in supporting growth for tourism in the Tablelands region. | Atherton | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Port Macquarie Hastings Council | Dynamic Young Leaders Program for Port Macquarie-Hastings | The project will develop and deliver a leadership course for young people across the Port Macquarie-Hastings region, aimed at developing social, ethical, emotional, physical and cognitive competencies. | Port Macquarie | NSW | $25,000 | $50,000 |
Nature Conservation Margaret River Region Inc. | Giant Light Steps | The project will deliver leadership workshops to set goals and identify opportunities regarding regional conservation. Action plans will be developed from these workshops. | East Bunbury | WA | $15,000 | $20,000 |
Remote & Isolated Childrens Exercise Inc | Firm Foundations - Building Governance Capability in the Outback | The project will deliver a corporate governance course being held for the benefit of people who serve on not-for-profit boards in the outback region of Port Augusta, South Australia. | Port Augusta | SA | $19,890 | $19,890 |
Central Goldfields Shire Council | Central Goldfields 2030 - aspiring and achieving | The project will develop eight strategic plans for separate townships in the Central Goldfields region. The plans will inform decision-making for key stakeholders in the communities, such as service providers and different levels of government. | Maryborough | VIC | $90,000 | $120,000 |
Central Local Government Region Of South Australia Inc | Building a culture for encouraging regional youth into volunteering. | The project will undertake research on youth volunteering in the Mid North region of South Australia. The research outcomes will be utilised to implement plans for creating a youth volunteering culture in the region. | Clare | SA | $17,000 | $20,000 |
Lower Lachlan Community Services Inc | Western Area Business Forum | The project will deliver a business forum event to be held in Condobolin, New South Wales. The event is focused on businesses in the Western region, and the objective of the forum is to target local and regional businesses to create networking and investment opportunities. | Condobolin | NSW | $44,737 | $44,737 |
Broome Chamber Of Commerce Inc | West Kimberley Regional Food Group Branding Strategy | The project will deliver a food group and branding strategy capable of generating improved employment and economic outcomes for regional businesses in the West Kimberley. | Broome | WA | $75,000 | $100,000 |
Burdekin Shire Council | Burdekin Economic Development Strategy 2019/20-2025 | The project will produce the Economic Development Strategy 2019/20-2025 for the Burdekin Shire. | Ayr | QLD | $19,318 | $38,636 |
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc. | Growing the Fitzgerald Biosphere; Regional Capacity and Capability | The project will deliver a professional development program and funding diversification workshop which will help the Fitzgerald Biosphere Community Collective (FBCC) build support, network and ensure financial sustainability of the group in the region. | Jerramungup | WA | $19,715 | $19,715 |
Bunya Peoples' Aboriginal Corporation | Bonye Bu'ru Cultural Gathering and tourism | The project will consist of a cultural gathering that will include workshops to develop a cultural governance model and cultural tourism business plan, and a cultural event for Aboriginal communities and the broader community. | Bunya Mountains | QLD | $19,450 | $19,450 |
Destination Sydney Surrounds South Ltd | Inaugural Destination Sydney Surrounds South Tourism Symposium | The project will deliver two conferences focusing on businesses operating in the tourism sector in regional New South Wales. The first conference will be held in the Wollongong / Shellharbor area and the second will be held in the Shoalhaven or Southern Highlands region. | Wollongong | NSW | $30,000 | $80,720 |
Scarf Incorporated | Business of Welcome: A strategy for refugee employment | The project will develop a strategic plan to increase the employability of the migrant and refugee population in the Illawarra region. | Wollongong | NSW | $19,967 | $19,967 |
Bathurst Regional Council | Industry Cluster Activation Program Strategic Plan Project | The project will develop a strategic plan for the Applicant’s Industry Cluster Activation Program, intended to be the foundation for integrated cross-industry solutions for the Bathurst region. | Bathurst | NSW | $37,562 | $75,125 |
Gawler Business Development Group Inc. | ProfitSURGE - Building Better Regional Business and Communities | The project will deliver workshops and a forum event designed to build stronger communities, create employment opportunities and increase economic activity, through improving the profitability of local enterprises. | Port Lincoln | SA | $53,334 | $80,000 |
Fraser Coast Regional Council | Maryborough Showgrounds & Equestrian Park 5 Year Strategic Plan | The project will develop a five year strategic plan on the use of the Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Park (MSEP) that will help maximise community participation, serve as a guide to future investment decisions and help identify opportunities to provide sustainable economic and social benefits to the Fraser Coast region. | Maryborough West | QLD | $15,000 | $30,000 |
Shoalhaven City Council | Shoalhaven Health & Wellbeing Strategy | The project will develop the Shoalhaven Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which will provide a framework for Shoalhaven City Council to action health and wellbeing initiatives and to evaluate the effectiveness of its related community investments, programs and assets. | NOWRA | NSW | $50,000 | $100,000 |
Shoalhaven City Council | Building Better Futures in Sanctuary Pt, Bomaderry and Orient Pt | The project will involve a consultative process to identify community issues, gaps in service provision and underlying causes of hardship in the socio-economically disadvantaged areas of Bomaderry, Sanctuary Point and Orient Point, NSW. | Sanctuary Point | NSW | $25,000 | $50,000 |
Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council | Clare Valley New Tourism Experiences Opportunity Roadmap | The project will develop a roadmap to identify and assess tourism assets in the Clare Valley region that can be developed into new products and experiences. | Clare | SA | $16,025 | $32,050 |
Woolgoolga Chamber Of Commerce Industry & Tourism Inc | The Bollywood Express to Curryfest | The project will expand on the annual Woolgoolga Curryfest with the inaugural Bollywood Express tourism package. This includes a Bollywood themed rail journey between Sydney and Coffs Harbour two days prior to the festival, on-board entertainment and dining, accommodation in Coffs Harbour and a variety of package tours in the region. | Woolgoolga | NSW | $17,000 | $19,000 |
Open Food Web Foundation Limited | Farmers & Eaters North-East - Growing our regional food system | The project will create an event that will bring together local farmers, food producers, and community to build relationships and networks for a revitalised regional food system by allowing farmers to sell directly to consumers. | Wangaratta | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Byron Shire Council | Develop governance models to facilitate the delivery of housing | The project will develop a range of governance models to facilitate the delivery of a greater range of housing types in Byron Shire. | Mullumbimby | NSW | $60,000 | $120,000 |
Mount Isa To Townsville Economic Development Zone Incorporated | Building Local Leadership in Regional Queensland | The project will deliver the Building Local Leadership Program to enhance capacity in established and emerging leaders in regional Queensland. | Mount Isa | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Open Food Web Foundation Limited | Farmers & Eaters Seymour - Growing our regional food system | Farmers & Eaters Seymour will bring together local farmers, food producers, and community to build relationships and networks for a revitalised regional food system. This event draws on lessons learned elsewhere in Victoria about how to capitalise development of a thriving regional food economy that has multiple benefits of allowing farmers to sell directly and secure more of the customer dollar for their food, while also building a strong food culture in a region, and providing locals with access to excellent local produce and community. | Seymour | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Northern Midlands Council | Development of Northern Tasmania's REASSIGN Tourism Experience | The project will deliver a series of scripted theatrical performances portraying the life experiences of early convicts in Tasmania who rather than be incarcerated at Port Arthur, were assigned to work for landowners and the government. | Longford | TAS | $17,800 | $35,600 |
Yarra Ranges Regional Marketing Ltd | Ciao Yarra Valley Ciao | The project will deliver a series of events showcasing the Yarra Valley and its Italian heritage in the form of a month long festival. | Lilydale | VIC | $69,850 | $139,700 |
Horticulture Coalition Of Sa Incorporated | Future Directions for Horticulture in the Adelaide Hills & Fleurieu | The project will develop a strategic plan to identify critical stages for future growth and development of horticulture in the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula region. | Forest Range | SA | $19,550 | $39,550 |
Cook Shire Council | Cooktown 2020 Festival - Festival Hub Main Stage | This project will support the hire of the stage for the Festival Hub during the Cooktown Expo 2020 which will celebrate the 250th Anniversary of Captain Cook's visit to the region. This will be a nationally significant event held between July and August 2020, replacing the annual three day Discovery Festival for one year only. Events held on the stage will include the opening and closing ceremonies, Reconciliation Rocks Concert and Indigenous showcase events. | Cooktown | QLD | $214,902 | $286,536 |
Barunga West Council | Barunga West Council Strategic Tourism Plan | The project will develop a strategic plan that will promote and encourage growth of the tourism industry in the region. | Port Broughton | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Parklands Albury Wodonga Limited | Baranduda Trails Master Plan | The project will deliver a master plan outlining a five year strategy for the development of sustainable recreational trails on Baranduda Range. | Baranduda | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Wodonga Chamber Of Commerce Inc. | Strategic Plan to improve employment opportunity and connectivity | The project will develop a strategic plan that will establish a coordinated and concrete approach to welcome new industries, businesses and people to the Wodonga region. | Wodonga | VIC | $19,320 | $19,320 |
Carpentaria Shire Council | Karumba Barra & Blues Festival | The project will deliver the Karumba Barra & Blues Festival in Normanton in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This will be an inaugural event to be held 4 - 5 May 2019 for the local community with the aim of attracting more tourism to the area. | Normanton | QLD | $100,000 | $200,000 |
Charters Towers Regional Council | Community Connections | The project will deliver a community development training course, focusing on Asset‐Based Community Development. The course is designed to support individuals, families, and organisations by identifying and developing strengths, talents, and resources in local communities. | Charters Towers | QLD | $18,900 | $18,900 |
Yarriambiack Shire Council | Trading off the Wimmera Mallee Tourist Trails | The project will deliver two strategic plans and one event, focused on building the Wimmera Mallee communities’ capability in catering for increased visitation. | Warracknabeal | VIC | $562,500 | $600,000 |
Scenic Rim Regional Council | Scenic Rim Adventure/Eco Tourism Strategy & Capability Development | The project will deliver a strategy and capability study focussing on opportunities in adventure tourism, eco-tourism and nature-based tourism for the Scenic Rim. | Beaudesert | QLD | $47,500 | $95,000 |
Bathurst Regional Council | Ways of Seeing | The project will deliver a series of workshops that will enable young local artists to create a digital art installation as part of the Bathurst Winter Festival of 2019. | Bathurst | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Gunnedah Shire Council | Gunnedah Hay and Harvest Festival | This project will organise a Harvest Festival on the banks of Namoi River in Gunnedah in March 2020. | Gunnedah | NSW | $17,000 | $34,000 |
Wheatbelt Business Network (Inc.) | Data for Decisions | This project will commission a study and analysis of small business performance and opportunities in the Western Australian Wheatbelt to be included in a prospectus for existing and new businesses operating in the region. | Woolocutty | WA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Northern Grampians Shire Council | Stawell Gateway Enhancement Project: Strategic Plan | The project will support strategic planning activities to identify opportunities for attracting additional visitors to drive economic development in the Stawell township. | Stawell | VIC | $50,000 | $100,000 |
Latrobe City Council | Morwell International Rose Garden Festival | This project will expand an existing local community event to create the Morwell International Rose Garden Festival in the Latrobe Valley. | Morwell | VIC | $100,000 | $225,000 |
Dungog Shire Council | Dungog Events Ready Program | The project will deliver the Dungog Events Ready Program, consisting of eight low cost educational workshops for new and existing community event organisers. Experienced speakers will cover all aspects of planning and managing events and a Community Events Kit will be collated from the workshop materials. | Dungog | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Naracoorte Lucindale Council | The Limestone Coast Red Meat Cluster: Into the Future | The project will develop a strategic plan for the red meat cluster value chain in the Limestone Coast region. The plan will examine the businesses, business needs, innovation and skills needs. | Naracoorte | SA | $15,000 | $15,000 |
Mary Valley Connect Incorporated | Accelerating Tourism in the Mary Valley | The project will undertake tourism market research for the Mary Valley Region, which will feed into the development of a marketing strategy, along with the delivery of workshops to develop business capacity and leadership skills in region. | Kandanga | QLD | $19,191 | $19,191 |
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc. | Fitzgerald Biosphere; Mapping the Gaps, Planning for Growth | The project will deliver a sustainability survey for the Fitzgerald Biosphere region – a UNESCO-recognised ecosystem in the southern part of WA. The survey will gather information from industry and community to inform policy development and business activity. The project will deliver a public event to present the results of the survey. | Jerramungup | WA | $19,836 | $19,836 |
District Council Of Yankalilla | Growing the Festival of Nature | The project will expand the existing six day Festival of Nature through additional marketing activities, a high profile guest speaker for the Sustainable Living Expo and increasing the Festival period to nine days. | Yankalilla | SA | $8,000 | $16,500 |
Mackay Regional Council For Social Development Ltd. | Connecting to Thrive | The project will deliver an evidence-based leadership development program and a combined economic and social sector forum to key people in community sectors across the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday (WIM) region. | Mackay | QLD | $60,000 | $120,000 |
Guide Dogs Victoria | Strategy for Guide Dogs Victoria's regional outreach network | The project will develop a regional strategic plan to expand the organisation’s services to support regional Victorians living with low vision or blindness. | Kew | VIC | $238,219 | $317,625 |
Light Regional Council | Agents for Economic Growth Project | The project will conduct a regional skills audit, assessing the skills and health of critical community group members supporting the tourism industry, and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis of community groups’ sustainability and vitality. | Kapunda | SA | $17,600 | $19,600 |
Nature Foundation Sa Inc. | Kids on Country Program | The project will deliver a program for young Indigenous people to develop skills, abilities and strengths for the future leaders of regional communities. | Hiltaba | SA | $232,125 | $309,500 |
Mount Alexander Shire Council | Mount Alexander Health and Wellbeing Hub Strategic Plan | The project will develop a governance strategy and communications plan that will support the overall master plan of the larger “Mount Alexander Health and Wellbeing Hub” project. | Castlemaine | VIC | $45,000 | $90,000 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Shire Council | Cocos CV | The project will develop a report, the Cocos CV, showcasing the capability and capacity of businesses, organisations and job seekers of the Cocos Islands region, providing them with the best opportunity to secure employment from major projects in the Indian Ocean Territories. | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | WA | $37,500 | $50,000 |
People First Australia Limited | Soldiers Songs & Voices helping heal service men & women from Trauma | The project will develop a series of free online song writing therapy workshops for current and ex-serving men and women and first responders suffering from trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. | Townsville | QLD | $19,500 | $19,500 |
Wheatbelt Health Network Incorporated | Cultuoristy Project: An alternate approach to cultural awareness | The project will provide Aboriginal cultural awareness training that is both local and relevant for approximately 30 Wheatbelt Health Network employees to enhance service delivery and health outcomes for Indigenous communities. | Northam | WA | $19,800 | $19,800 |
Matriark Theatre Incorporated | The Secret World: Cootamundra, a night festival hosted by young people | The project will be a two-day night festival of stories, art and technology celebrating and created by the young people of Cootamundra. | Cootamundra | NSW | $15,000 | $20,000 |
Tourism Noosa Ltd | Tourism Noosa Industry Leadership Program | The project will deliver a non-accredited 12-month training program for approximately 10 industry leaders in the Noosa region’s tourism sector. | Tewantin | QLD | $20,000 | $55,000 |
Mackay Regional Council For Social Development Ltd. | Collaborating for Success in WIM | The project will provide training for community managed organisations to build capacity and ensure financial sustainability of local not-for-profit organisations in the region particularly Whitsunday, Isaac and Mackay (WIM) areas. | Mackay | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Macquarie Darling Work Placement Incorporated | What YOU'th Can Do - A Festival of Skills | The project will be a week-long public event held at the Dubbo Showgrounds and surrounds to showcase the skills of years 9-12 students undertaking vocational educational training (VET) in Hospitality and Entertainment in the region. | Dubbo | NSW | $80,000 | $80,000 |
Southern Downs Regional Council | Southern Downs Resident Attraction project | The project will develop a strategic plan that will determine strategies to attract families to live and work in the Southern Downs region. | Warwick | QLD | $19,090 | $38,180 |
Yorke Peninsula Council | YOu RocK fEst | The project will deliver a free, family-friendly music festival aimed at supporting and building the local music industry, and raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues. | Ardrossan | SA | $37,500 | $75,000 |
Tourism Noosa Ltd | 2019 Noosa Food & Wine Festival Industry Day & Workshop | The project will deliver an Industry Day event in Noosa, Queensland, designed to inform, support, develop and nurture current and emerging food and wine industry personnel. | Noosa Heads | QLD | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Vietnamese Farmers Association Of South Australia Incorporated | Efficient management of water resources for farming | The project will provide training to Vietnamese farmers in the region to improve their understanding of better water use practices in farming. | Virginia | SA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
St John Ambulance Australia Nt Inc | Thriving Culture: Staff and Volunteer Leadership Development Project | The project will deliver a 12-month leadership program for 243 staff and volunteers aimed at building capacity through a whole-of-organisation approach. | Casuarina | NT | $45,500 | $91,000 |
Live Well Tasmania | Collective Impact and Wynyard Community Hub Development in Wynyard | The project will deliver a strategic plan for the Wynyard Community Hub, as well as ten breakfast meetings for business people in the region to develop networks. | Wynyard | TAS | $19,635 | $19,635 |
Oz Green-Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (Australia) Incorporated | Tomorrow's River Keepers: Young change-makers helping turtle recovery | The project will provide leadership workshops for young people and teachers, to engage and develop understanding about river health, and to equip them with the skills and knowledge to take community action. | Thora | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Tourism Northern Tasmania Inc. | I-LEAD Professional Leadership for Small Tasmanian Tourism Businesses | The project will provide a professional leadership program to assist small business people to improve their leadership skills and professional networks, and address the challenges of accessing professional development in the region due to time, money and location constraints. | Launceston | TAS | $11,300 | $13,300 |
Centacare Catholic Country Sa Limited | Fields of Strength - Building foundations for rural suicide safety | The project will build foundations for suicide safety in regional, rural and remote communities by providing free training in proven prevention techniques - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training and SafeTalk. The training will benefit drought-affected communities across the Eyre and Western, Far North and Mid North regions of South Australia. | Whyalla | SA | $97,045 | $97,045 |
Murwillumbah Community Centre Inc | Kinship Festival - | The project will deliver an expansion of the Kinship Festival, an event to give Indigenous people and businesses the opportunity to hold market stalls and trial business/art concepts in a safe, risk-free, environment. | Murwillumbah | NSW | $20,000 | $44,000 |
Tourism Whitsundays Limited | Tourism Whitsundays Strategic Marketing Plan | The project will develop Tourism Whitsundays’ strategic plan that will market the region as a desired travel destination post-Tropical Cyclone Debbie (TCD) to national and international markets. | Cannonvale | QLD | $20,000 | $25,000 |
Geomancia Pty Ltd | A strategy to grow Indigenous heritage tourism in central NSW | The project will deliver a strategic plan to assist Indigenous communities in remote central NSW to develop business opportunities for cultural and heritage tourism in the region. | Lake Cargelligo | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Cooloola Coastcare Association Inc. | Cooloola Coast Voluntourism and Research Tourism Strategy | The project will deliver a strategic plan for the development of two new tourism markets for the Cooloola Coast region to grow tourism numbers during off-peak times. | Tin Can Bay | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Blue Mountains Artists Company | Art of Lunch Blue Mountains start-up | The project will deliver a series of events featuring a curated cultural program of music, art and food across a number venues including restaurants, galleries and performance space. | Medlow Bath | NSW | $18,000 | $18,000 |
Mid Murray Council | Mid Murray Regional Brand Strategy-Creating Economic & Tourism Growth | The project will develop a 10-year plan and vision for the Mid Murray region, aimed to increase tourism growth and new business investment. | Mannum | SA | $19,990 | $19,990 |
Golden City Paddle Steamer Museum Society Inc. | Best 'O' Lake Photo Exhibition | The project will develop a photo exhibition showcasing the history of Lake Wendouree and the Lake Wendouree Museum, highlighting local heritage and culture. | Lake Wendouree | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
The River Murray And Mallee Aboriginal Corporation | RMMAC Economic Development Enterprises | The project will deliver a strategic plan to develop Aboriginal cultural tourism opportunities for the local Aboriginal community of the Murray Mallee region. | Berri | SA | $8,000 | $8,000 |
Griffith Shed For Men Incorporated | Griffith Shed for Men Strategic Plan for the Future | The project will deliver a ten year strategic plan combined with a series of coordinated events held over 12 months, focusing on encouraging new members and increasing capacity for community engagement through volunteering opportunities. | Griffith | NSW | $17,500 | $19,500 |
Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation Inc | North Burnett Community Leaders Workshop Series | The project will consist of a series of workshops that will enhance leadership and the social and economic capacities of the North Burnett communities. | Mundubbera | QLD | $18,500 | $18,500 |
Good Shepherd Microfinance | Community-Led Financial Resilience | The project will undertake a series of targeted local activities for communities and leaders in the Geelong region to understand financial resilience, explore viable local options and enable community-led action for at-risk groups. | Geelong | VIC | $30,000 | $65,000 |
Arts And Culture Goldfields Association Inc. | Capacity Building & Development Workshops Program | The project will develop and facilitate a 12-month program of workshops for capacity building and development. | Boulder | WA | $14,250 | $28,500 |
Toowoomba Regional Council | Recreational Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy | The project will deliver a Recreational Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy to identify the infrastructure required and preferred locations aimed at increasing market share of RV tourists in the Toowoomba region. | Toowoomba | QLD | $60,000 | $120,000 |
Centacare Fnq | Building Our Community Conference | The project will deliver a conference aimed at developing and enhancing the profile of young leaders in the Tablelands regional area. The conference will provide the opportunity for younger people to engage with local business, agencies and organisations to develop mentoring, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities in the local area. | Cairns City | QLD | $19,900 | $19,900 |
Balranald Shire Council | Balranald Shire Connect2Business | The project will deliver ‘Connect2Business’ workshops over a 12 month period in local council areas to support young people, first job seekers and adults re-entering the workforce. | Long Gully | VIC | $36,000 | $48,000 |
Early Links Inclusion Support Service Inc. | Stronger Communities | The project will develop and deliver a leadership performance and support program for staff and senior managers of the Applicant organisation and members of the community in the Hunter region of NSW. | Ashtonfield | NSW | $30,000 | $60,000 |
Glenrac Incorporated | New England Local Landcare Leaders | The project will deliver a Regional Leadership Program to develop a network of leaders involved in agriculture and natural resource management. The leaders will build community awareness and understanding of the importance of managing natural resources to produce social and economic dividends for the wider region. | Glen Innes | NSW | $90,737 | $90,737 |
Trustee For Into Our Hands Community Foundation | North East Futures Resilience Project: Wealth Transfer Pilot | The project will deliver a Wealth Transfer Report for North East Victoria, followed by a series of workshops aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of corporate giving and social investment in community needs. | Myrtleford | VIC | $22,950 | $45,900 |
Port Macquarie Hastings Council | A Cultural Economy Plan for the Port Macquarie-Hastings | The project will develop a strategic plan that will involve a cultural mapping process across the region to inform professional development opportunities, and provide an overview of the cultural economy’s contribution to the region. | Port Macquarie | NSW | $37,500 | $75,000 |
Cradle Coast Authority | Supporting King Island's future leaders | The Coasters is a highly successful initiative from North West Tasmania connecting like-minded aspirational young (18-45 years) building their careers and lives on the Coast whilst influencing the region's future. This project will see The Coasters network become established on King Island, providing important career building and networking opportunities which will help young King Islanders overcome some of the challenges of isolation and thrive in their community. The outcome of the project will see an established group of 'Coasters' on King Island, with the skills, knowledge and support required to build and manage their own branch of The Coasters network, whilst also building support and connections with The Coasters across the region. | King Island | TAS | $17,500 | $20,000 |
Manning Valley Historical Society Incorporated | 2019 Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival ("BWSF") | The project will expand the 2019 Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival, an annual festival of all things Scottish that commemorates and honours the Scottish pioneering settlement of the Manning Valley in the early 1830s. | Wingham | NSW | $7,000 | $10,000 |
City Of Albany | Butterflies of Corbie Exhibition at the National Anzac Centre, Albany | The project will showcase the Butterflies of Corbie collection from France as a temporary exhibition at the National Anzac Centre in Albany from November 2019 to Anzac Day 2020. | Albany | WA | $20,000 | $41,000 |
Ywca Housing | Women's housing in regional areas - a national vision and strategy | The project will conduct quantitative and qualitative research to provide input into the development of a strategic plan to inform on the adequacy and appropriateness of housing in regional areas in meeting the needs of women, young women, and girls. | Larrakeyah | NT | $51,650 | $103,300 |
Dubbo Regional Council | Wellington Town Centre Plan | The project will deliver a strategic plan for the development of the Wellington Town Centre. The plan will inform the council and community stakeholders about the future direction and success of the main business district. | Wellington | NSW | $45,000 | $93,429 |
Wangan Jagalingou Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation | CQ First Nations Regional Tourism & Economic Development Forum | The project will deliver a forum to facilitate tourism and economic development in the Wangan and Jagalingou region. | Camira | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Arts North West Inc | Art Connections: Opening Creative Journeys | The project will deliver the two day North West Arts Trail event in the New England North West region of NSW, including professional development workshops for arts and culture businesses. | Glen Innes | NSW | $20,000 | $41,800 |
Shire Of Katanning | Katanning Economic Activation Project | The project will provide facilitated development sessions for up to four industry cluster groups, involving - cluster development; Planning for collaboration; Mentoring for success; and the development of the Katanning Harmony Festival food business; a three year programme to facilitate the development of emerging food businesses in Katanning. | Katanning | WA | $19,800 | $19,800 |
Tara Festival Inc. | RAISING THE BAR WITH A STAR | The project will provide the addition of a high profile performing artist to headline the Tara Festival of Culture & Camel Races 2019 to grow audiences and increase economic activity across the wider Western Downs Region. | TARA | QLD | $40,000 | $40,000 |
Bridport Innovations Inc. | Tassie Scallop Fiesta at Bridport | The project will expand the Tassie Scallop Fiesta festival format to include fringe activities, with a particular focus on families and young people, who were insufficiently catered for in the inaugural event. | Bridport | TAS | $19,500 | $19,500 |
Bega Valley Shire Council | Bega Valley Regional Economic Development Future Vision Platform | The project will produce an Economic Development Future Vision Platform, an outline of the region’s natural advantages, industry strengths, emerging opportunities and clusters, and future economic challenges and potential which will be used to develop the Bega Valley Through Regional Economic Development Strategy 2021-2031. | Bega | NSW | $18,000 | $18,000 |
Bland Shire Council | Bland Shire Council Business Workshop Program | The project will deliver a workshop program based on business fundamentals and building and diversifying business branding. | West Wyalong | NSW | $18,170 | $18,170 |
Topology Inc. | Top Up Western Central Queensland - creating creative communities | The project will deliver a series of workshops in Central Western Queensland and a four day creative bootcamp culminating in a free community performance in Longreach. | Longreach | QLD | $50,000 | $149,000 |
Mid Murray Council | Mid Murray Cultural and Heritage Tourism Strategy | The project will deliver a strategic plan to identify deficits in heritage and cultural tourism assets of the Council. | Mannum | SA | $15,000 | $20,000 |
Centacare New England North West | Family Services Conference | The project will host a once off event that will aim to inform regional, rural and remote services to upskill, network and develop opportunities, based on the latest information regarding all areas of family work. | Tamworth | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Brettacorp Inc. | North of the Tully - Economy and Environment | The project will provide a Master Tree Grower leadership course to increase community skills and capabilities in agroforestry and other complex natural resources management practices. The project will also present options for innovative agricultural, horticultural and forestry expansion and diversification and will conclude with a community tree planting event. | Silky Oak | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Apollo Bay Chamber Of Commerce Inc. | WinterWild Highway | The project will expand the Apollo Bay WinterWild Festival by holding a parade and other events on a section of the Great Ocean Road. | Wongarra | VIC | $19,750 | $19,750 |
Western Districts Australian Football Commission Limited | Staging a 3 league wide multicultural round of football and netball | The project will stage a full round of football and netball. The event will include a multicultural function with foods of the world. The event will encourage and support the indigenous community to be involved throughout the process. | Warrnambool | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Southern Downs Regional Council | Southern Downs Sustainability Strategic Plan | The project will deliver a strategic plan for the Southern Downs Regional Council focusing on better management and protection of the region's natural assets. | Warwick | QLD | $75,000 | $150,000 |
Ballarat International Foto Biennale Inc. | Hello Wendouree, Hello Australia | The project will deliver a community engagement photographic event, utilising portable studios. | Wendouree | VIC | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Orange City Council | Way Out West | The project will organise a multi-day tourism event targeted at the LGBTI community showcasing the food and wine offerings of the region. | Orange | NSW | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Dalby Welcoming Community Inc. | Dalby's Delicious and DeLIGHTful Country Concert | The project will expand the Dalby's Delicious and DeLIGHTful Festival to include a country concert. | Dalby | QLD | $18,000 | $19,950 |
Carrathool Shire Council | Local Supply Chain Multiplier Opportunities - A Strategic Approach | The project will deliver a strategic development plan focused on agribusiness ventures established and operating in the Carrathool Shire. The objective is to clearly articulate an action plan to increase local participation in the agriculture industry supply chain process. | Goolgowi | NSW | $60,000 | $60,000 |
South Australian Tourism Industry Council | ServiceIQ Blended Learning Networked Program | The project will deliver leadership workshops in order to build the capacity of SA tourism businesses through a structured and innovative learning program. | Adelaide | SA | $150,000 | $250,000 |
Abc Foundation Ltd. | Gascoyne Aboriginal Tourism Corridor | The project will deliver a series of regional workshops and the development of a Strategic Plan focusing on Aboriginal tourism in remote communities across the Gascoyne region, WA. | Gascoyne River | WA | $61,995 | $82,660 |
Logan City Council | Logan Village Festival and Events Strategic Plan 2019-2024 | The project will deliver a strategic plan focused on festivals and events to take place within a five year program, in the Logan Village region. | Logan Village | QLD | $25,000 | $50,000 |
Mitchell Shire Council | Mitchell Tourism Excellence Program | The project will deliver a series of professional development and support workshops to assist local tourism businesses gain national Tourism Accreditation for tourism growth. | Broadford | VIC | $18,800 | $38,800 |
Bnym Aboriginal Corporation | Strategies to promote Indigenous art and jobs in the Latrobe Valley | The project will develop a strategic plan and actions to create jobs in Indigenous arts in the Latrobe Valley. | Morwell | VIC | $25,000 | $50,000 |
Minlaton & District Progress Association | Celebrating 100 years of Captain Harry Butler | The project will deliver an aerobatic air show event celebrating 100 years since Harry Butler made the first flight over water in the Southern Hemisphere, heralding the arrival of civil aviation to South Australia. | Port Vincent | SA | $19,000 | $19,000 |
Mountain Bike Australia Limited | Demystifying Mountain Biking and Enabling Communities Workshops | The project will deliver a series of workshops to regional communities with the focus on educating a variety of stakeholders on the activity of mountain biking, industry best practice, and how mountain biking can benefit and enable regions and communities. | Bright | VIC | $19,300 | $19,300 |
Shire Of Christmas Island | Our Streets Are Our Museums: The Christmas Island Public Art Program | The project will deliver a series of seven murals and art installations on Christmas Island as a means for demonstrating the island’s unique cultural, societal, linguistic and economic history. | Christmas Island | WA | $75,000 | $100,000 |
Professional Fishermen'S Association Inc. | Celebrating the Seafood Industry in regional NSW | The project will celebrate the history, contribution and local products of the seafood industry through a series of events held in four regional coastal locations of NSW. | Coffs Harbour | NSW | $40,000 | $80,000 |
Eurobodalla Shire Council | Eurobodalla Club Development Conference | The project will provide leadership training, including governance, planning and business skills, for volunteers who support various sport and recreation clubs across the Eurobodalla region. | Batemans Bay | NSW | $18,000 | $20,000 |
Business Port Augusta Incorporated | Port Augusta Green Power Festival - PAGPF | The project will deliver a festival promoting renewable energy and the region, while exposing youth and the broader community to the renewable energy ‘boom.’ | Port Augusta West | SA | $19,999 | $19,999 |
Latrobe Valley Women In Business Inc. | Latrobe Women in Business 'Leading the Way' in Leadership 2019 | The project will develop a major forum and three smaller workshops designed to build the skills, knowledge and capability of local businesses. | Traralgon | VIC | $30,000 | $60,000 |
Granite Belt Wine & Tourism Inc. | The Granite Belt Tourism Businesses Social Media Leaders Course | The project will provide social media training for local businesses to increase their skills and knowledge in effectively presenting their businesses through a social media platform that will lead to increased awareness and interest from visitors to the region. | Stanthorpe | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Shire Of Broome | CHINATOWN DISCOVERY FESTIVAL | The project will deliver an inaugural three day festival (26-28 April 2019) celebrating the traditional cultural and historical elements of Broome and showcasing local artists, in addition to art projects from outside of Broome. | Broome | WA | $32,739 | $95,562 |
Shire Of Shark Bay | To measure the economic conditions of local business sector | The project will commission external consultants to provide an economic study of the local business sector to give a better understanding in implementing sustainable economic strategic planning and employment creation. | Denham | WA | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Western Kangoulu Limited | CQ Regional Indigenous Leadership & Innovation Development | The project will deliver Stage 1 of developing CQ Regional Indigenous Leadership and Innovation (CQRILI) for a consortium of Indigenous member groups from the Fitzroy and Central West region of Queensland Stage 1 will include professional mentoring and governance training for leaders, facilitated workshops and research towards a Strategic Plan for Indigenous Economic Participation & Innovation in the central Queensland region. | Yeppoon | QLD | $47,500 | $95,000 |
Charleville Airfield & WWII Museum Ltd. | Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Charleville Airfield/ Museum Opening | This project will deliver a one-off event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Charleville Airfield and officially open the Charleville Airfield's new WWII Museum. | Charleville | QLD | $20,000 | $20,000 |
Shire Of Gnowangerup | Digital Education: A Cultural Change in the Community | The project will develop and deliver a series of digital capability programs to improve digital literacy and participation across the region. | Gnowangerup | WA | $33,160 | $48,160 |
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