Business Concessional Loans NT

Business Investment Concessional Loans provide businesses with loans to help them undertake projects to expand and grow their business.
Closes in 91 days

Closing date: Monday 30 June 2025 Mon 30 Jun 2025

What do you get?

Loans between $100,000 and $10 million.

Who is this for?

Businesses that have a significant presence in the Northern Territory.


Business Investment Concessional Loans provide businesses in the Northern Territory with concessional loans to help them undertake projects which will expand and grow their business.

Projects must be of net economic benefit to the NT and should:

  • create and sustain new local jobs
  • increase economic activity
  • expand production capacity
  • grow export capability/import substitutability

Loans may be offered to small, emerging and fast growing businesses that:

  • are able to demonstrate significant long term growth potential
  • need to bridge the gap between feasibility and the ability to attract ongoing commercial debt funding

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, you must:

  • have a significant presence in the Northern Territory
  • have high growth and job creation potential
  • be registered for corporate and tax purposes in Australia
  • be operating under sound governance and management with operating systems in place

Apply now

Apply for the Business Concessional Loans NT

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

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