In line with the October Budget 2022 the Carbon Capture Use and Storage Hubs and Technologies Programs have been discontinued with funding being redirected to other Government priorities. If you would like further information or have questions, please contact on 13 28 46.

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Hubs and Technologies Program – Hubs Stream

This opportunity supports businesses to design and construct shared carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) infrastructure between multiple co-located emitters and viable CO2 storage sites.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

Grants from $5 million to $50 million.

Who is this for?

Businesses involved with carbon capture, use and storage.

About the program

The Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) Hubs and Technologies Program will help deploy CCUS at scale. This grant aims to:

  • reduce costs and project risks in deploying CCUS at scale
  • develop commercially viable hubs in Australia, with shared CCUS infrastructure between multiple co-located industrial emitters and viable CO2 storage sites
  • increase domestic and international collaboration and co-investment in the development of shared CCS hub infrastructure
  • increase knowledge and capabilities in CCUS in Australia
  • increase uptake of CCUS technologies to reduce CO2 emissions in key sectors
  • support the development of Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs or clean LNG production facilities.

The CCUS Technologies and Hubs program is intended to complement the Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs program.

The Government has recently announced seven priority Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hub locations. These are Bell Bay (Tas), Darwin (NT), Eyre Peninsula (SA), Gladstone (Qld), Hunter Valley (NSW), La Trobe Valley (Vic) and the Pilbara (WA). Some (but not all) of these locations have potential CO2 storage sites nearby.

The Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs program has two streams:


You can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are a set of rules that describe who we can consider for this grant. You can apply if you:

  • are an eligible entity
  • have an eligible project
  • have eligible expenditure.

To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be non-tax-exempt
  • be registered for the goods and services tax (GST).

You must also be one of the following:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation
  • a foreign corporation
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust where the trustee is also a trading, financial or foreign corporation
  • an Australian State/Territory Government agency or body
  • an authority of the Commonwealth such as the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

If you are a trading corporation, your trading activities must:

  • form a sufficiently significant proportion of the corporation’s overall activities as to merit it being described as a trading or financial corporation; or
  • are a substantial and not merely peripheral activity of the corporation.

You are not eligible to apply if you are:

  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
  • income tax exempt
  • an individual
  • partnership
  • unincorporated association
  • any organisation not included in section 4.1 of the guidelines
  • trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust).

Joint applications

Joint applications are acceptable, provided you have a lead organisation who is the main driver of the project and is eligible to apply. For further information on joint applications, refer to section 7.2 of the guidelines.

You must complete your project by 30 April 2031.

Your project must be located in Australia.

For your project to be eligible, your application must show a minimum of $10 million in eligible project expenditure.

Your application must also show:

  • evidence from your board (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, the project can be completed and you can meet project costs not covered by the grant
  • how you will provide your share of project costs, such as an accountant declaration that confirms you can fund your share of the project costs, including any ineligible expenditure
  • if you are from a Foreign Corporation that you and/or your sub-contractors are not on the DFAT Consolidated List
  • agreement by all project partners with a letter of intent, if you will be forming a consortium for your project.

You can apply for a grant between $5 million and $50 million.

You can use this grant funding to support activities, such as:

  • establishing hub infrastructure directly related to compression, transport and storage of CO2
  • geological surveys and assessments, including well appraisals
  • process design and engineering, including feasibility studies for developing a CCUS hub
  • constructing, installing and commissioning of CCUS hub equipment and software
  • monitoring the performance of the CO2 supply, and reliability and quality of CCUS hub infrastructure
  • consultation and planning, including community, industry, government and research engagement.


How do you apply?

The Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Hubs and Technologies Program – Hubs Stream is closed to applications.

We know many businesses have concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on grant applications and grant management. When preparing your application, you need to take into consideration the timeframes and any constraints that may impact the delivery and participation in workshops and other activities resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Projects need to be designed to ensure participants’ safety and health.

You can find further COVID-19 government financial assistance and support for Australian businesses on our coronavirus information and support for business page.

We assess your application against the eligibility criteria. Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.

To be competitive you must score highly against all of the assessment criteria:

  • Assessment criterion 1: Alignment with program objectives (50 points)
  • Assessment criterion 2: Capacity, capability and resources to deliver the project (30 points)
  • Assessment criterion 3: Impact of the grant funding on your project (20 points)

The amount of detail and supporting evidence you provide in your application should be relative to the project size, complexity and grant amount requested. You should define, quantify and provide evidence to support your answers. The sample application form displays character limits.

The Minister will make the final decision.

If your application is successful, you’ll receive a written offer. If you are unsuccessful, we’ll notify you in writing and give you the chance to discuss the outcome with us.

Successful applicants must enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth. The grant agreement will specify the reporting requirements, payment schedule and milestones necessary to receive payments.

We’ll make the first payment when the grant agreement is executed. We’ll make subsequent payments after we have received and accepted the required report. We set aside a minimum of 10% of the total grant funding for the final payment. We’ll pay this when you submit a satisfactory final report.

Payments will be made by direct credit into a nominated bank account.


Need help?

Let us answer your question over the phone, email or live chat.

  • Phone:
  • Open Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm across Australia
  • Website:

Key documents

Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.70 MB docx · 0.23 MB

Sample application form

pdf · 0.76 MB docx · 0.18 MB

Sample grant agreement

pdf · 0.97 MB docx · 0.16 MB

Accountants declaration template

pdf · 0.09 MB docx · 0.02 MB

Board or CEO approval letter

pdf · 0.07 MB docx · 0.10 MB
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