Carbon Innovation Grants Program WA

This program provides funding to heavy industry sectors in WA to help them build capacity to transition to net zero emissions.
Closes in 72 days

Closing date: Friday 28 February 2025 Fri 28 Feb 2025

What do you get?

Funding amounts vary.

Who is this for?

WA heavy industries participants.


This program aims to:

  • reduce carbon emissions from heavy industry processes in WA
  • support the development of innovative technologies for carbon abatement and sequestration
  • maximise co-benefits for the environment and the WA economy
  • increase the supply of carbon credits, to enable heavy industry to offset residual emissions (optional).

There are 2 funding streams:

  • Feasibility studies – matched funding of between $50,000 and $500,000 to support technologies and methods to progress from concept to real world trials.
  • Pilot projects and capital works – funding of between $100,000 and $1.5 million for up to 25% of eligible project costs for real world testing of innovative technologies and methods, from pilot stage through to full-scale deployment.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
  • have a fit and proper management team.

The project must:

  • be located in WA or involve feasibility studies specific to sites and locations in WA
  • seek funding within the published range
  • demonstrate alignment with key objectives outlined on the website.

Apply now

Apply for the Carbon Innovation Grants Program WA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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