Subsidies for disaster affected primary producers to move materials
Freight Subsidies for Disaster Affected Primary Producers QLD
Freight Subsidies for Disaster Affected Primary Producers provides primary producers with freight subsidies for moving materials, including emergency fodder.
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Freight subsidies of up to $5000 per disaster event.
Who is this for?
Queensland primary producers located in a disaster declared area.
Freight subsidies are available for affected primary producers whose property is located within a disaster-declared area under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) or who hold a current Individual Disaster Stricken Property (IDSP) declaration.
There a 4 different freight subsidies available:
- transport of fodder
- removal of stock
- transport of building, fencing materials, machinery and equipment
- transport of animals purchased for restocking as a result of the disaster.
Check if you can apply
To be eligible, you must:
- be a primary producer whose property is located within a disaster declared area
- be a property owner, share-farmer or lessee in the grazing industry (beef cattle, sheep, dairy cattle, goats, deer or horses that are not normally hand-fed)
- spend more than 50% of your labour on and derive more than 50% of your gross income from the primary production enterprise.
Apply now
Apply for the Freight Subsidies for Disaster Affected Primary Producers QLD
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
- Email:
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