Industry Growth Program

The program provides an Advisory Service for startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) undertaking innovative commercialisation and/or growth projects that are within the priority areas of the Australian Government’s National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) and help build Australia’s manufacturing capability for the future.

Application detail:

You can apply at any time.

What do you get?

Eligible businesses will be connected with an Industry Growth Program Adviser. The Adviser will provide specialised advice to support your commercialisation and growth opportunities and priorities.

Once you have received this advice, you may choose to apply for:

  • grants of $50,000 to $250,000 to support early-stage commercialisation projects
  • grants of $100,000 to $5 million for commercialisation and growth projects.

Who is this for?

SMEs who have an innovative commercialisation and/or growth project that will help build manufacturing capability in one or more of the government's priority areas for the NRF:

  • value-add in resources
  • value-add in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
  • transport
  • medical science
  • renewables and low emissions technologies
  • defence capability
  • enabling capabilities.

Minor changes or improvements to existing products or services are not considered innovative. These are generally considered business as usual growth and not eligible under the program.


The Industry Growth Program supports innovative small and medium enterprises undertaking commercialisation and/or growth projects.

Through the program, you will be connected to an Adviser who will:

  • help you test your business model and help you overcome challenges with your innovative project
  • work with you to develop recommendations for commercialisation and growth priorities and strategies
  • consider suitable pathways for support and funding, which may include an Industry Growth Program grant opportunity.

If you are eligible for the Advisory Service and have received your advisory report, you may choose to apply for a grant funding opportunity. However, not all businesses will be eligible for a grant, and funding will be awarded to applications with the most merit.

Advisory Service

An Industry Growth Program Adviser will work with you to develop recommendations and a plan for commercialisation and/or growth.

Advice will be tailored to your business and may include:

  • commercialisation and growth strategies, including business model validation
  • funding avenues, potential investors and capital raising
  • building networks and establishing collaborative partnerships
  • commercialisation intellectual property
  • market testing
  • development of compelling value propositions.

Your Adviser will provide you with a report with priorities and recommended actions for the commercialisation and growth opportunities for your business.


Advisers are business experts who have walked in your shoes. They provide independent and objective business advice and are available to support businesses across Australia.

Check if you can apply for an Advisory Service

You can apply for Advisory Services if you:

  • are an eligible entity
  • have an innovative product, process or service that you intend to commercialise and/ or grow in one or more of the priority areas of the NRF.

You can apply if you:

  • have a combined annual turnover of less than $20 million for each of the 3 financial years before lodging your application
  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are not exempt from paying income tax
  • are registered for the goods and services tax (GST).

You must also be one of the following:

  • a company incorporated in Australia
  • a co-operative
  • an incorporated trustee applying on behalf of a trust.

You can’t apply if you are any of the following:

  • an organisation (or your project partner is an organisation) on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
  • an individual
  • a partnership
  • a trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust)
  • a Commonwealth, state or local government agency or body (including government business enterprises).

You must be intending to commercialise and/or grow an innovative product, process or service in one or more of the priority areas of the NRF.

An innovative product, process or service:

  • is new, unique or significantly different to previous products, processes or services in the market or industry where it will be traded, or
  • involves significant enhancements or developments of current products, processes or services that will let your business scale and transform.

Minor changes or improvements to existing products or services are not considered innovative and are not considered to be eligible. These are generally considered business as usual growth, and are not supported through the program.

How to apply for an Advisory Service

You can apply for the Advisory Service at any time during the life of the program and if you meet the eligibility criteria.

The application must be completed by an authorised representative of your business.

When you're ready to apply

You must submit your application for Advisory Services through the online portal. You’ll need to set up an account when you first log into the portal. The portal allows you to apply for and manage a grant or service in a secure online environment.

We will check your application to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria.

We will contact you with a response within 10 working days of submitting a complete application.

If you are successful, an Adviser will be allocated to you when available so you can begin your Advisory Service.

Apply for the Industry Growth Program Advisory Services now.

Before you apply, make sure you:

  • confirm you meet the eligibility criteria
  • have an innovative product, process or service that you intend to commercialise that will significantly help you scale up and transform your business.
Apply now

Sample applications

The best way to understand what information you need to provide is to start an application. We have also provided a version to download at the bottom of this page.

Technical help

See our customer portal's frequently asked questions to help with your queries. If you can't find your answer, contact us for assistance.

Grant opportunities

Once you have received the Advisory Service report from your Adviser, you may choose to apply for matched grant funding to support your commercialisation and/ or growth project. Not all businesses who engage with an Adviser will be eligible for a grant opportunity.

Grants are awarded based on merit, and are assessed by the independent Industry Growth Program Committee.

Industry Growth Program – Early-Stage Commercialisation grant opportunity

Early-Stage Commercialisation grants are for projects at the feasibility study, proof-of-concept and prototyping stages. A common reference to describe this journey is Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). As a guide, Early-Stage Commercialisation grant projects are intended broadly to include the journey through TRL3 to TRL6, for further information please refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

The grants can be used for projects and business activities that help your business establish the commercial viability of innovative products, processes or services.

You can apply for grants of $50,000 to $250,000 to support Early-Stage Commercialisation projects.

Industry Growth Program – Commercialisation and Growth grant opportunity

Commercialisation and Growth grants are for innovative projects that are in prototyping through to market-readiness stages.

Activities include:

  • developing strategies for entering the market
  • accelerating growth
  • scaling up into national and international markets.

As a guide, Commercialisation and Growth grant projects are intended broadly to include the journey through TRL4 to TRL9, for further information please refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

You can apply for grants of $100,000 to $5,000,000 to support Commercialisation and Growth projects.

Check if you can apply for a grant opportunity

You can only apply for a grant opportunity if you have received an Advisory Service report.

Read the full eligibility rules in the grant opportunity guidelines.

How to apply for a grant opportunity

You can apply for an Early-Stage Commercialisation or Commercialisation and Growth grant opportunity by submitting your application through the online portal. You will need to log in to the portal and select the grant type you wish to apply for. You also need your Industry Growth Program Advisory Service (IGPAS) number as the application form will ask you to confirm you have received an Advisory Service Report.

The portal allows you to apply for and manage a grant or service in a secure online environment.

The application must be completed by an authorised representative of your business.

We will check your grant application to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria.

We may request additional information to help us to verify any information that you have included in your application. You will be notified of the outcome of the eligibility assessment in writing.

Eligible applications will be referred to the Industry Growth Program Committee who will assess your application against the program’s merit criteria. The Industry Growth Program Committee will make recommendations to the Decision Maker on what projects to fund.

We will notify you of the outcome of your application in writing.

Apply for the Industry Growth Program grant opportunity now.

Before you apply, make sure you:

  • confirm you meet the eligibility criteria
  • have received an Advisory Service report
  • have an innovative product, process or service that you intend to commercialise that will significantly help you scale up and transform your business.
Apply now


Need help?

Let us answer your question over the phone, email or live chat.

  • Phone:
  • Open Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm across Australia
  • Website:

Key documents

Program information guide

pdf · 0.36 MB docx · 0.33 MB

Advisory service – Sample application form

pdf · 0.33 MB docx · 0.29 MB

Early-Stage Commercialisation – Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.56 MB docx · 0.41 MB

Early-Stage Commercialisation – Sample application form

pdf · 0.45 MB docx · 0.31 MB

Early-Stage Commercialisation – Sample grant agreement

pdf · 0.61 MB docx · 0.16 MB

Commercialisation and Growth – Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.51 MB docx · 0.40 MB

Commercialisation and Growth – Sample application form

pdf · 0.48 MB docx · 0.31 MB

Commercialisation and Growth – Sample grant agreement

pdf · 0.62 MB docx · 0.15 MB

Comparison of grant opportunities

pdf · 0.19 MB docx · 0.26 MB

Accountant declaration

pdf · 0.01 MB docx · 0.04 MB

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