Payroll tax exemption for businesses relocating to regional TAS
Interstate Businesses Relocating to Regional Tasmania
Interstate Businesses Relocating to Regional Tasmania provides interstate businesses relocating to regional Tasmania with a three-year payroll tax exemption.
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
3 year payroll tax exemption.
Who is this for?
Interstate businesses relocating to regional TAS.
This three-year payroll tax exemption is available for interstate businesses relocating their operations to regional Tasmania.
Check if you can apply
To be eligible, the interstate business must:
- be relocating between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2021
- be relocating to regional Tasmania (this does not include the municipalities of Clarence, Glenorchy, Hobart or Kingborough)
- be physically operated from real property
Additionally, prior to relocation, the business must:
- have been operated in a location other than Tasmania
- not have paid taxable wages in Tasmania (either themselves or as a member of a group) in the five year period preceding the relocation
For the wages to be exempt, they must be paid to an employee who physically undertakes at least 80% of their work for the business in regional Tasmania.
Apply now
Apply for the Interstate Businesses Relocating to Regional Tasmania
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
- Email:
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