Pre-employment project opportunities to recruit new staff
Launch into Work
Apply at any time.
What do you get?
Opportunities to recruit new staff.
Who is this for?
Businesses with entry level job opportunities willing to trial a new way of recruiting.
The Launch into Work program supports the delivery of pre-employment projects. These projects prepare eligible individuals for specific entry-level roles within a business. This means individuals don't require a degree or higher-level vocational qualification to start work.
The project is co-designed with the department and the hiring employer. A well-designed project gives individuals the skills, experience and confidence they need to start work. Projects include:
- training
- practical activities in the workplace
- mentoring.
One of the program's aims is to create long-term secure employment for women, but projects are not only for women. Anyone aged 18 years or over can participate if they are in:
- Workforce Australia Services
- Transition to Work
- ParentsNext.
Check if you can apply
All Launch into Work projects must meet these requirements:
- training tailored to the positions
- practical activities in the workplace
- participant mentoring
- employment for suitable individuals who successfully complete a pre-employment project.
Apply now
Apply for the Launch into Work
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
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