Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Translation Stream Recycling and Clean Energy round 2 grant recipients
Find a list of applicants that have been offered funding under the Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Translation Stream Recycling and Clean Energy round 2.
Applicant organisation | Grant amount supported (ex GST) | Total investment | Project title | State |
Hallett Construction Materials Pty Ltd | $20,000,000 | $109,600,000 | Green Cement Framework | SA |
Selectronic Australia Pty Ltd | $7,185,094 | $14,370,189 | Translating Australian IP to develop a solar energy product ecosystem | VIC |
Visy Board Proprietary Limited | $3,677,700 | $7,995,000 | A transformational investment to replace polystyrene packaging in Australia | VIC |
Greentree Enterprises Pty Ltd | $1,983,280 | $3,966,560 | ASRC Solar Effectiveness and Efficiency Project | WA |
Alcore Limited | $7,582,966 | $15,165,933 | Alcore Aluminium Smelter Bath Waste Recycling Plant | TAS |
Orora Limited | $12,500,000 | $130,000,000 | Orora Glass Rebuild G3 Furnace with low carbon energy efficient technology | SA |
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