Moree After Hours Activities for Young People Quick Response Grants NSW

This program supports after-hours youth activity initiatives across the Moree Shire local government area.
Application detail:

Applications will remain open until funding is exhausted.

What do you get?

Funding of between $500 and $10,000.

Who is this for?

Small businesses, individuals and organisations.


Funding is available to deliver, expand and introduce new programs, initiatives and services that encourage more after-hours youth activities in the Moree Shire local government area.

Examples of projects that may be funded include, but are not limited to:

  • workshops providing activities, skills training or leadership experiences
  • sporting activities, youth camps promoting cultural connection, skills or leadership
  • art activities, such as painting, weaving or dancing
  • youth-focused event to showcase local talent.

Check if you can apply

Applications will be accepted from:

  • small businesses with 5 or fewer employees
  • a non-profit organisation, agency or group based, or delivering services, in the More Shire LGA
  • an individual who lives, works, studies, volunteers, or has a cultural connection to the Moree Shire LGA.

Apply now

Apply for the Moree After Hours Activities for Young People Quick Response Grants NSW

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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