Financial benefits for businesses that recycle oil
Product Stewardship for Oil Program
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Benefit rates vary.
Who is this for?
Businesses that recycle oil or use recycled oil.
Product Stewardship for Oil Program aims to support and encourage the environmentally sustainable management of used oil.
Under the program, a levy (in the form of excise and customs duty) is collected on all petroleum-based oil or their synthetic equivalents produced in or imported into Australia. This levy is used to provide benefits to recyclers of used oil and users of gazetted oils.
The program pays a benefit in cents per litre of oil in 8 categories:
- categories 1 – 7 for recycling used oil
- category 8 for using gazetted or eligible oil in a gazetted or eligible use
More information on the rates is available at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Check if you can apply
To apply you must:
- be licensed to manufacture excisable products
- recycle oil or use recycled oil in your business
Apply now
Apply for the Product Stewardship for Oil Program
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
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