Regional Events Fund VIC

The Regional Events Fund supports events that attract visitors from outside the region, create job opportunities and contribute to the local visitor economy.
Application detail:

Application deadlines vary depending on the stream being applied for, please check the website for further information.

What do you get?

Funding varies depending on the stream being applied for.

Who is this for?

Organisations wanting to host events in regional Victoria.


Regional Events Fund provides funding to host an event in regional Victoria. It aims to support the attraction, development, marketing and growth of events whilst attracting visitors to regional Victoria.

There are 3 streams of funding:

Stream 1 – Regional Event Acquisition

  • funding for one-off or ongoing major events
  • applicants should discuss their proposed event with Visit Victoria or their Regional Tourism Board in the first instance.

Stream 2 – Event Growth and Development

  • funding of up to $500,000 to grow the economic impact of medium to large-scale events
  • there are several funding rounds per year

Stream 3 – Event Industry Support

  • funding up to $50,000 to build capability and support the marketing and operations of events that attract intrastate or interstate visitors
  • applications are opened monthly each year, with the exclusion of December and January, through to 30 June 2027.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, you must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • have a minimum of $20 million public liability insurance and other relevant insurance cover
  • be conducting an event or festival within regional Victoria that will attract visitation to the area.

Apply now

Apply for the Regional Events Fund VIC

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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