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R&D Tax Incentive events and information sessions
Information sessions
We hold regular information sessions to help you understand and register for the R&D Tax Incentive.
If you plan to undertake R&D, but have not yet registered for the R&D Tax Incentive program an information session may help.
Expand the options below to find out more.
Introduction to the R&DTI
Join representatives from the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources to learn about the Research and Development Tax Incentive program.
You will be introduced to the program and guided through key eligibility requirements. We highly recommend attending this session before submitting an application.
What you will learn:
- the benefits offered by the R&D Tax Incentive
- who can apply
- what R&D activities and expenditure are eligible
- the importance of record keeping
- when and how to apply.
Register for an upcoming session:
Guide to the R&DTI series
The Department of Industry, Science and Resources is delivering a series of information sessions focussed on specific areas of interest. You will receive a brief overview of the program before diving into the session topic in greater detail with our subject matter experts.
Be sure to subscribe to the R&DTI Insider newsletter or check back regularly to register for new sessions as they become available. Topics will be regularly updated so don’t miss out!
Get practical advice, developed by experienced members of the program’s registration team, on the best approach to prepare for your company’s R&D Tax Incentive registration.
This webinar has been designed to assist small to medium businesses and assumes a basic understanding of the R&D Tax Incentive program.
We recommend that you attend Introduction to the R&DTI prior to attending this webinar.
You will learn:
- how the registration process works
- the types of information to include and exclude when answering the core and supporting R&D activity application questions
- the importance of record keeping and the types of evidence you need to keep
- where to get help and support.
Subscribe to the R&D Tax Incentive Insider to be notified when the next session is scheduled.
Co-hosted by the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, this webinar has been developed to increase the certainty of eligibility when applying for the R&DTI program.
This session is designed for small to medium businesses and assumes a basic understanding of the R&D Tax Incentive.
We recommend you first attend the Introduction to the R&DTI information session before attending this webinar.
You will learn:
- about the certainty offered by findings
- how to make sure your claims are complete and correct
- about record keeping approaches
- where to get help and support.
Register for an upcoming session:
Hear from Department of Industry, Science and Resources representative about eligible R&D activities undertaken in the software development sector.
This webinar assumes a basic understanding of the R&D Tax Incentive program.
We recommend attending Introduction to the R&DTI before attending this webinar.
A brief program overview will precede the following topics with specific reference to software-related activities:
- activity and expenditure eligibility requirements
- watch points for activity descriptions
- the importance of record keeping
- a case study
- where to find further guidance.
Register for an upcoming session:
Engagement forums
R&DTI Roundtable
The Roundtable brings together a diverse range of stakeholders including program users, tax consultants and industry, research and tax associations. Members share their insights on the use and impact of the R&DTI and discuss potential opportunities to improve program administration.
Learn more about the R&DTI Roundtable.
Stakeholder Reference Groups
Stakeholder Reference Groups (SRG) provide a forum for the tax agent community to receive program updates, discuss technical matters and provide feedback on the administration of the program with program administrators from both the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).