A country is always as good as its plans around innovation because that's essentially what defines the future. So the more you support innovation, the more you support new technologies, the more you have a comfortable space in the future of the world.
— Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi, CEO, Laronix

Company profile

Company: Laronix Pty Ltd

Sector: Biotechnology

Location: Brisbane, QLD

Profile: Laronix is a medical technology company that the R&D Tax Incentive has supported in developing and commercialising world-first bionic voice boxes for people suffering from permanent or severe voice-loss.

With conventional artificial voice boxes being surgically implanted and producing robotic and sometimes incomprehensible sounds, Laronix’s mission has been to change the status quo.

Thanks to support from the R&D Tax Incentive, Laronix has translated over a decade’s worth of research into revolutionary products for the voice-loss community. Not only are Laronix’s artificial voice boxes non-invasive, they harness advanced software and AI to produce a sound that mimics the voice of the wearer.

More than bringing global first technology to the market, Laronix has brought life-changing outcomes to its patients.

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