Small Business Electricity Credit 2024 WA

This program provides energy bill relief for WA small businesses and charitable organisations operating in embedded networks.
Closes in 188 days

Closing date: Friday 31 January 2025 Fri 31 Jan 2025

What do you get?

One-off payment of $725.

Who is this for?

WA small businesses and charitable organisations.


Energy rebates are available to small businesses and charitable organisations that operate in embedded networks in WA.

Embedded networks include examples such as:

  • shopping centres
  • businesses operating from airports
  • ports and industrial parks
  • businesses that have a sub-meter linked to a master meter controlled by the landlord
  • other circumstances where landlords purchase electricity from energy providers and on-sell the electricity to tenants.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • have held a valid and active Australian business number (ABN) as a small business or charity on 17 June 2024 and for the period covered by their application
  • be a small business or charity consuming less than 50 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year, or where this is not measured, be liable for less than $15,000 per annum in electricity costs
  • have been incurring electricity costs on 17 June 2024
  • occupy a commercial premises as a tenant or owner
  • not be directly billed by Synergy or Horizon Power
  • be receiving power on-supplied via an embedded network/submetering arrangement.

Additionally, if not in an embedded network, applicants must fall within the scope of one of the following electricity retail tariff classes:

  • C1 or C2 – special community service tariff
  • D1 or D2 – special tariff for certain premises
  • L1 or L2 – general supply
  • R1 or R2 – time of use tariff.

Apply now

Apply for the Small Business Electricity Credit 2024 WA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

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