Waste Resource Recovery Board Sponsorship Program TAS

This program provides sponsorship to TAS organisations whose work, event, or project demonstrates innovation in recovering resources from waste that would otherwise be lost to landfill.
Closes in 188 days

Closing date: Monday 30 June 2025 Mon 30 Jun 2025

What do you get?

Sponsorship of up to $10,000.

Who is this for?

Tasmanian waste management organisations.


Sponsorships are available for projects and events that demonstrate and road-test innovation, produce improved resource streams and circular supply chains, and deliver better services, products and outcomes for Tasmania. 

Check if you can apply

Eligible sponsorship proponents must:

  • be located in, and have substantial operations within Tasmania
  • nominate the principal applicant
  • have a track record of operating legally in accordance with relevant environmental and planning permits
  • disclose any past convictions contravening any environmental management or land use planning legislation in the last 5 years
  • be able to demonstrate appropriate Work Cover and public liability insurance for the proposed project.

Eligible sponsorship proposals must:

  • be geographically located in Tasmania, and be for the benefit of Tasmanians
  • include project activities that will improve collection, sorting, reuse, repair, processing, recycling and/or remanufacturing capacity in Tasmania
  • include relevant business planning commensurate with the scale, purpose and potential risks associated with the project, activity or organisation
  • include projects, acquisitions and activities relating to improved facilities, equipment and/or systems
  • include details of waste avoidance/reduction/reuse/recycling measures being incorporated into the project delivery.

Apply now

Apply for the Waste Resource Recovery Board Sponsorship Program TAS

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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