Find tenders and contracts
Each year, government agencies and large companies buy a variety of products and services through tenders and contracts.
If you’re looking for business opportunities to start or grow your business, these steps will help you know where to look.
Payment Times Reporting Scheme
The Payment Times Reporting Scheme aims to improve payment times for Australian small businesses. Under the scheme, large businesses and government enterprises must report their payment terms and times for small businesses.
1. Learn about government opportunities
Australian Government tenders
The Australian Government publishes business opportunities and notices of successful contracts and standing offers valued at or above $10,000 on the AusTender website.
You can use AusTender to:
- register to be notified of business opportunities that match your business profile
- download tender documents
- lodge a tender response
- find details about successful tenderers and existing contracts.
Opportunities for digital and ICT products and services
If you sell digital products or services, you may find opportunities to do business with local, state, territory or federal government. BuyICT is a simple platform that brings government buyers and digital sellers together.
As a seller, BuyICT provides you with a direct channel to showcase your work, bid for projects and find clients.
Government tenders in your state or territory
Each state and territory government has its own agency responsible for tenders and contracts:
- Australian Capital Territory –Tenders ACT
- New South Wales - NSW eTendering
- Northern Territory - Quotations and Tenders Online
- Queensland - QTenders
- South Australia –Tenders SA
- Tasmania - Tasmanian Government Tenders
- Victoria – Buying for Victoria
- Western Australia - Tenders WA.
2. Understand how to sell to the government
Before you apply, it’s important to have an understanding of how the Australian Government processes tenders and contracts.
The Selling to Government website provides you with information to understand how to identify business opportunities and sell to the Australian Government, including:
- Where to find opportunities to sell to the Australian Government
- What rules and processes Australian Government entities follow in selecting suppliers
- How to respond to an approach to market
- What to expect if you are awarded a contract.
3. Search for non-government opportunities
There are a number of commercial websites that advertise tender opportunities online. Some companies provide consultancy support, templates and checklists to help your tender process for a fee. You can find these by searching online.
4. Talk to an expert
For information on tender opportunities in your industry, talk to your industry association or group or a business adviser.
Get expert advice
Consider talking to a business adviser to help you through your process. Use our adviser search tool to find an adviser in your area.
Find an adviser5. Network
Networking with people in your industry sector and from other sectors can give you a different perspective on the market and potential opportunities.
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