Sharing economy services

The sharing economy connects workers to customers through a digital platform, such as an app or website. Customers can use the digital platform to request the tasks they need done. Workers than choose the jobs they want to do for payment.

Common sharing economy services in Australia include:

  • ride sharing services for a fare (such as Uber, DiDi, Ola, SheSafe and Shebah)
  • delivery services for a fee (such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, Menulog and Zoom2u)
  • personal services, including creative or professional services like graphic design, or odd jobs (such as Airtasker, Expert360, Freelancer, Upwork, Sidekicker, Helpling, Hipages, Mad Paws and Wipehero).

Sharing economy workers may be contractors or employees

There's no rule that determines whether workers in the sharing economy are employees or contractors. It will depends on the conditions they are hired under.

Contractor rights and responsibilities

Unlike employees who work in someone else’s business, contractors run their own business. Contractors have different workplace rights and protections to employees. They also have different responsibilities.

If you’re a contractor working in the sharing economy, you should know about your rights and responsibilities including:

  • workplace rights and protections
  • workplace safety
  • insurance
  • super
  • tax
  • licensing.
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