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Funding for medium to long-term, industry-led research collaborations
CRC Grants Round 25 - Stage 1 outcomes
The Hon Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science, has approved the progression of 6 applications to Stage 2 of CRC Grants Round 25. These are:
- Additive Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre
- Augmenting Ability Cooperative Research Centre
- Care Economy CRC
- CRC for Retirement Income Solutions
- Minerals to Megawatts CRC
Please refer to the Round 25 anticipated timelines for further details.
CRC Grants Round 26 – Stage 1 applications open
Stage 1 of CRC Grants Round 26 is now open for applications. Information for applicants, including the Round 26 grant opportunity guidelines, can be found under Program documents. Updates to Round 26 anticipated timelines will be published throughout the year.
Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grants – Round 26
Closing date: Tuesday 29 April 2025 5:00pm AEST Tue 29 Apr 2025 5:00pm AEST
What do you get?
Up to 50% of eligible grant project costs for an industry-led research collaboration.
Who is this for?
A collaboration between at least three Australian industry organisations and two Australian research organisations.
About the program
CRC Grants are part of the CRC Program. The CRC Program supports industry, research and the community in 2 ways:
- CRC Grants – support medium to long term industry-led collaborative research, for up to 10 years.
- CRC Projects (CRC-P) grants – support short term, industry-led collaborative research, for up to 3 years.
CRC Grants provide funding for collaborations to solve industry identified problems.
CRCs must:
- be a medium to long-term industry-led collaborative research program
- aim to solve industry identified problems and improve the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian industries
- include an industry-focused education and training program, including a PhD program that builds capability and capacity
- increase research and development (R&D) capacity in small to medium enterprises (SMEs)
- encourage industry take up of research
There is no specified limit to funding for each CRC. However, the number of CRC Grants we fund in each selection round depends on the applications received and available funding.
Applicants must at least match the amount of grant funding sought through cash and/or in-kind contributions.
If you're after shorter-term funding to develop new technologies, products and services, go to our CRC Projects page.
Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRCP) Grants
Anticipated timelines for current and future rounds
The following schedule outlines the anticipated timeline for Round 25. Updates to timing will be published throughout the year.
- Stage 1 open – 8 January 2024.
- Stage 1 close – 5 March 2024.
- Stage 1 outcomes – September 2024.
- Stage 2 open – 17 September 2024.
- Stage 2 close – 29 October 2024.
- Stage 2 outcomes announced – late 2024/early 2025.
- Funding to start 1 July 2025.
The following schedule outlines the anticipated timeline for Round 26. Updates to timing will be published throughout the year.
- Guidelines released – 7 March 2025.
- Stage 1 open – 7 March 2025.
- Stage 1 close – 29 April 2025.
- Stage 1 outcomes – July 2025.
- Stage 2 open – August 2025.
- Stage 2 close – September 2025.
- Stage 2 outcomes announced – early 2026.
- Funding to start 1 July 2026.
Future rounds of the CRC Grants Program are determined by the Minister. CRC Grant rounds have been held annually over recent years.
What are the eligibility criteria?
CRC grant applications are open to all industry sectors, research disciplines and community sectors.
To be eligible you must:
- submit your application from a group that has agreed to collaborate
- have at least three Australian industry organisations and two Australian research organisations in your collaboration
- show you can at least match the grant funding
- if successful, establish the CRC as an incorporated company, limited by guarantee
- be a medium to long term industry-led collaborative research project aimed at solving industry-identified problems and improving the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian industries
- include an industry-focused education and training program, which must include, but is not limited to, a PhD program which complements the research program and increases engagement, technology development, skilled employees and R&D capacity within industry entities
- implement strategies which build the R&D capacity within SMEs
- deploy research outputs and encourage take-up by industry.
Eligible activities must relate directly to the project and may include:
- new research
- proof of concept activities
- pre-commercialisation of research outcomes
- industry-focused education and training
- conferences, workshops and communications
- collaboration with international organisations providing national benefits to Australia
You can only spend grant funds on expenses outlined in your grant agreement. You can find more information on eligibility in the CRC Program Grant Opportunity Guidelines.
We can't consider your application if you don't satisfy all eligibility criteria. Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.
We can only accept applications where you can provide a declaration from each partner on the template provided and where you can demonstrate the ability to at least match (in cash or in-kind) the grant funds requested.
Apply now for CRC Round 26 grant opportunity
Before you apply, make sure you:
- read and understand the grant opportunity guidelines
- read the sample application form
- read the sample grant agreement.
We assess your application against the eligibility criteria and then against the assessment criteria. Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.
The CRC Advisory Committee will assess all eligible Stage 1 applications and make recommendations to the Minister on which applications are suitable for progression to Stage 2. The Minister will invite the most meritorious Stage 1 applicants to submit a Stage 2 application and attend an interview with the CRC Advisory Committee.
The Minister decides which applications to approve, considering the:
- recommendations of the CRC Advisory Committee
- availability of grant funds.
- Assessment criterion 1 - Project alignment with the program objectives (total 25 points)
- Assessment criterion 2 - The quality of your research project (total 25 points)
- Assessment criterion 3 - Capacity, capability, and resources to deliver your project (total 25 points):
- Assessment criterion 4 - Impact of the grant funding on your project (total 25 points)
For more information on the assessment criteria please refer to the grant opportunity guidelines
If your Stage 1 application is successful, we'll invite you to submit a Stage 2 application and attend an interview with the CRC Advisory Committee.
In Stage 2, we'll invite you to submit a Stage 2 application addressing CRC Advisory Committee feedback on your Stage 1 application. We'll also ask you to attend an interview with the CRC Advisory Committee.
If you're unsuccessful at either stage, we’ll notify you in writing and give you the chance to discuss the outcome with us.
All funded CRCs must be established and governed as an incorporated company, limited by guarantee (the CRC Entity).
Successful applicants must enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth. The grant agreement will specify the reporting requirements, payment schedule and milestones necessary to receive payments.
We'll make payments according to an agreed schedule set out in the grant agreement. Payments are subject to satisfactory progress on the project. We'll make an initial payment on execution of the grant agreement if we're satisfied you have made significant progress in finalising the partners’ agreement.
We'll make payments by direct credit into a nominated bank account.Grant recipients
Find outcomes of the current CRC Grants selection round.
CRC Grants selection round outcomes -
Find a list of currently funded CRCs.
Current Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs)
Customer stories
We’re proud of the funding we’ve provided to support Australian research. Learn about some of our previous customers and their CRC achievements.
Find out how the Future Fuels CRC is helping transition Australia's multibillion dollar gas energy sector to low carbon fuels.
Find out how the Cyber Security CRC is helping Australian businesses prepare for and respond to the rising global threat of ransomware attacks.
CRC support organisations
The CRA strengthens and promotes the transformative potential of collaborative, industry-led research through knowledge exchange, professional development, and advocacy. Find out more on the CRA website.
Program documents
Growth through Innovation and Collaboration – Miles Review 2015
pdf · 1.99 MBRound 26 documents
Round 26 – Stage 1 documents
CRC Grants – Partner details template (Detailed contributions) – Round 26 – Stage 1
xlsx · 0.04 MBRound 26 – Stage 2 documents
CRC Grants – Impact Tool – Round 26 – Stage 2
xlsx · 0.17 MBCRC Grants – Budget and Milestones Spreadsheet – Round 26 – Stage 2
xlsx · 0.22 MBResources for current CRCs
CRC Grants – Reporting guidelines 2024 – Attachment D.1
xlsx · 0.04 MBCRC Grants – Budget & Milestone Reporting Workbook – Instructions for CRCs
pdf · 0.20 MB docx · 0.11 MBCRC Grants – MDQ reporting spreadsheet
xlsx · 0.07 MBProgram guidelines – 2017
pdf · 0.49 MBProgram guidelines – 2015
pdf · 0.19 MB