Startups and SMEs can apply for a competitive grant of up to $100,000 to test the feasibility of their proposed solution to a government challenge. Grantees who successfully demonstrate feasibility may be invited to apply for a further competitive grant of up to $1 million to develop a proof of concept.

Current open rounds

There are currently no rounds open for application.

Previous rounds

See previous rounds of the Business Research and Innovation Initiative. While some of these are still ongoing, they are no longer open to new applications.

Program outcomes

See the grant recipients from past rounds of the Business Research and Innovation Initiative.

Customer stories

  • With the help of BRII, Atamo developed technology to help rid the world of malaria.

  • Developed with BRII funding, Converlens allows government to collect, analyse and report data.

  • With BRII support, MJA proved how its Waterflow product would improve transparency and reliability of water market information.

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