Collaborative Development Program QLD

This program supports companies that want to extract critical minerals and reprocessing opportunities in mine waste that remains in-ground.
Closes in 820 days

Closing date: Wednesday 30 June 2027 Wed 30 Jun 2027

Application detail:

Funding will remain open until June 2027, the funds are extinguished, or a date determined by the Department.

What do you get?

Funding varies.

Who is this for?

QLD companies in the mineral resources sector.


This program aims to support economy-aligned opportunities to recover and accelerate the development of Queensland’s critical minerals sector. Activities that this program funds include:

  • extracting residual minerals in mine waste
  • reprocessing opportunities for residual material and recovery technologies
  • reduce waste material applying by-product recovery
  • reusing mine waste associated with critical minerals, including industrial uses.

Check if you can apply

Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria and have all the relevant approvals in place:

  • holder or operator of a granted Exploration Permit for Minerals (EPM) in Queensland
  • holder or operator of a granted Mining Lease (ML) in Queensland
  • holder or operator of a Mineral Development Licence (MDL) in Queensland
  • operator of a mineral concentrator plant, leaching plant, benefaction plant, pilot plant, smelter (or other similar infrastructure) associated with a mining operation in Queensland
  • holder or operator of waste tailings dams in Queensland
  • holder or operator of a coal-fired power station on-site fly-ash and solid mineral wastes in Queensland.


Apply now

Apply for the Collaborative Development Program QLD

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

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