Bushfire Related Tax Relief Measures VIC

The Victorian government is offering a range of tax relief measures for people affected by the 2019/20 bushfires.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

Tax relief measures on payroll tax, land tax, land transfer (stamp) duty and motor vehicle duty.

Who is this for?

Victorians affected by the 2019/20 bushfires.


Tax/duty relief measures vary and depend on your circumstances. They include:

  • relief on 2020 land tax if your property was destroyed, substantially damaged or affected
  • zero or reduced 2021 land tax for properties used to provide free accommodation
  • relief of up to $55,000 in land transfer (stamp) duty on a replacement home for a home destroyed by bushfire, or for the purchase of vacant land on which you build a replacement home
  • relief of up to $2100 on motor vehicle duty when buying a replacement vehicle for one that was destroyed by bushfire
  • 50% concession on land transfer (stamp) duty on purchases of commercial or industrial land in eligible local governments areas
  • reduced rate of payroll tax (1.2125%) for regional employers with a registered address in the local government areas of East Gippsland, Mansfield, Wellington, Wangaratta, Towong and Alpine.

Other tax relief measures may be available and will be considered on a case-by case situation.

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Apply for the Bushfire Related Tax Relief Measures VIC

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

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