MRFF 2024 Rapid Applied Research Translation

This program provides funding to accelerate translation of research knowledge and outcomes into health care and practice.
Closes in 116 days

Closing date: Monday 7 July 2025 5:00pm AEST Mon 7 Jul 2025 5:00pm AEST

What do you get?

A grant of between $250,000 to $5 million to cover up to 100% of eligible project costs.

Who is this for?

Eligible organisations that can support large-scale interdisciplinary research programs to improve health benefits for Australians.

About the program

The 2024 Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant Opportunity is part of the Medical Research Future Fund and the Rapid Applied Research Translation Initiative.

This initiative supports the translation of research evidence into clinical practice and better quality of care for patients by encouraging collaborations between academic researchers, health service providers, consumers and other end users on projects to improve health care delivery, service and systems sustainability.

Consistent with the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015, the objective of this grant opportunity is to provide grants of financial assistance to support Australian medical research and medical innovation projects that:

  • deliver late stage translational research that is directly relevant to clinical care, health services and/or health practices, which has the potential to be translated into existing policy and practice
  • use existing knowledge and evidence to support and accelerate the translation of research findings into improved health care and health interventions
  • address a clearly defined gap in best practice health care and health interventions to improve health outcomes, as identified by collaborating health services
  • involve all stakeholders relevant to the research and its translation in its conceptualisation, design and implementation, including health care consumers and providers.

Two streams of funding are available:

  • Stream 1 (Accelerator): the Chief Investigators are primarily resident in any area according to the Modified Monash Model (MM1-7)
  • Stream 2 (Accelerator): the Chief Investigator A and 50% or more of all Chief Investigators are primarily resident in a regional, rural, or remote area according to the Modified Monash Model (MM2-7).

For this grant opportunity, an application may be submitted to one of the above two Streams only. Applicants must specify the Stream they are applying for in their application.

An organisation may submit more than one application to a single Stream, but there are restrictions on the number of applications an individual (i.e. Chief Investigator) may submit to a single Stream (refer the Section on Chief Investigators in the grant opportunity guidelines).

Check if you can apply

You can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are a set of rules that describe who we can consider for this grant. You can apply if you:

  • are an eligible entity
  • have an eligible project
  • have eligible expenditure.

The rules are in the grant opportunity guidelines.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are incorporated in Australia.

And in accordance with s24 of the MRFF Act 2015, are one of the following entities:

  • a medical research institute
  • a university
  • a corporate Commonwealth entity
  • a corporation (including businesses and not for profits).

Under Stream 2:

  • your Chief Investigator A and 50% or more of all Chief Investigators must be primarily residing in a regional, rural, remote or very remote area according to the Modified Monash Model (MM2-7) (and have been resident in an MM2-7 location for at least 12 months prior to the submission date of the grant application).

You can’t apply if you are:

  • an individual
  • a partnership
  • an unincorporated association
  • a trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust)
  • a non-corporate Commonwealth entity
  • any organisation not listed in the eligible entity list
  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)

Partner with other organisations

You can partner with one or more other organisations but you must decide who the lead organisation is.

The lead organisation must fill out the application form.

If we give your group the grant, the lead organisation:

  • signs the grant agreement
  • receives grant payments
  • is responsible for making sure your group follows all requirements in the grant agreement, including all reporting requirements.

We can only accept applications that provide:

  • evidence from your board (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, that you can complete the project and meet any costs not covered by grant funding
  • letters of support from each project partner
  • a list of up to 15 Chief Investigators using the template (maximum of 15 CIs and none listed on more than one application submitted per stream) - template will be provided in key documents closer to the opening date of the grant opportunity
  • a detailed project plan (max 12 pages)
  • a detailed and itemised project budget
  • a one-page statement of how your project will contribute to the Measures of Success for the MRFF
  • a detailed risk management plan (max 2 pages)
  • details of IP arrangements
  • trust deed (if applicable).

How to apply

Check if you’re ready to apply for a grant

Finding a suitable grant opportunity is just the start of the process to get funding. The application process can take time and effort. Understanding the entire process will help you be grant ready and may improve your chances of getting funding.

Use our checklist to find out what it takes to apply for a grant.

When you're ready to apply

When the online form is available, you must submit your application through the online portal. You’ll need to set up an account when you first log into the portal. The portal allows you to apply for and manage a grant or service in a secure online environment.

First we check that you meet the eligibility criteria. Eligible applications are then assessed against the assessment criteria by an independent committee of grant experts.

The amount of detail and supporting evidence you provide should be relative to the project size, complexity and grant amount requested. You should define, quantify and provide evidence to support your answers. The sample application form displays character limits.

The program delegate will make the final decision taking into consideration the recommendations from the independent committee of experts.

This grant opportunity has 2 streams with the following assessment criteria:

  • Assessment criterion 1: Project impact (40% weighting)
  • Assessment criterion 2: Project methodology (30% weighting)
  • Assessment criterion 3: Capacity, capability and resources to deliver the project (30% weighting)
  • Assessment criterion 4: Overall Value and Risk of the Project (non-weighted)

Scoring information for all assessment criteria can be found at Appendix C and Appendix D of the grant opportunity guidelines.

Apply now

Apply for the 2024 Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant Opportunity.

Before you apply, make sure you:

  • read and understand the grant opportunity guidelines
  • read and understand the sample application form
  • read and understand the sample grant agreement.
Apply now

Sample applications

The best way to understand what information you need to provide is to start an application. We have also provided a version to download at the bottom of this page.

Technical help

See our customer portal's frequently asked questions to help with your queries. If you can't find your answer, contact us for assistance.

Past rounds

This opportunity is part of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).


Need help?

Let us answer your question over the phone, email or live chat.

  • Phone:
  • Open Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm across Australia
  • Website:

Key documents

Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.48 MB docx · 1.90 MB

Sample application form

pdf · 0.41 MB docx · 0.23 MB

Sample grant agreement

pdf · 0.26 MB docx · 1.18 MB

Sample independent audit report

pdf · 0.21 MB docx · 0.05 MB

Board or CEO approval letter template

docx · 0.04 MB

Chief Investigator template - Stream one

xlsx · 0.84 MB

Chief Investigator template - Stream two

xlsx · 0.84 MB

MRFF grant management resources

Reporting templates are available from the MRFF grants management webpage. The page also provides other resources for MRFF grant administration, including current policies and relevant forms and templates.

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