Discounts for businesses for energy efficient products
Victorian Energy Upgrades VIC
Victorian Energy Upgrades provide businesses with discounts on a wide range of energy-saving products and services when accessed through accredited providers.
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Discounts vary depending on the products purchased.
Who is this for?
Victorian businesses.
Victorian Energy Upgrades provide businesses with discounts on purchasing and installing approved energy-efficient products when supplied by an accredited provider.
The discounts apply to a number of products, including but not limited to:
- lighting
- gas efficiency
- hot water systems
- heating and cooling
- refrigeration and ventilation fans
- shower heads
- motors
- fridges and freezers
- glazing.
The discounts available vary depending on the product purchased and installed.
Check if you can apply
At a minimum, you must buy and install approved energy-saving products and services from an accredited provider.
Apply now
Apply for the Victorian Energy Upgrades VIC
Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.
Learn how to applyContact information
- Phone:
- Email:
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