ACT Event Fund

The ACT Event Fund provides event organisers with funding to help them deliver, market and promote an event or festival within the ACT.
Closes in 16 days

Closing date: Monday 12 August 2024 Mon 12 Aug 2024

What do you get?

Up to $30,000.

Who is this for?

Event and festival organisers holding an event in the ACT.


The ACT Event Fund supports festivals and events in the ACT. The aim of the fund is to:

  • facilitate an events culture in the ACT and help to develop a diverse events calendar during the year
  • encourage local residents to get involved in events
  • boost economic development and tourism for the ACT
  • provide support to events and festivals of a high quality.

There are 2 funding streams available:

  • Community Event Funding – funding of up to $10,000 to support the delivery and enhancement of events that encourage local engagement and participation.
  • Event Development Funding – funding of up to $30,000 to support the delivery and enhancement of events that can demonstrate strong potential to develop and grow – including the capacity to generate tourist visitation and economic activity.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, you must be a business or organisation, delivering an event or festival within the ACT.

Apply now

Apply for the ACT Event Fund

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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