Harvest and Haulage Support Package VIC

This program provides support to assist harvest and haulage operators to transition to DEECA Forest and Fire Management Services Agreements or exit the industry.
Closes in 13 days

Closing date: Wednesday 31 July 2024 Wed 31 Jul 2024

Application detail:

Funding applications will close on the following dates:

  • loss of income compensation applications close 31 March 2024
  • plant and equipment compensation and statutory redundancy reimbursement applications close 31 July 2024.

What do you get?

Funding varies

Who is this for?

Harvest and haulage contractors with VicForests contracts.


The Harvest and Haulage Support Package is a payment the Victorian Government will make to harvest and haulage contractors with VicForests contracts.

The package includes:

  • compensation for loss of income
  • plant and equipment compensation
  • a payment to reimburse employee statutory redundancy payments.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible to apply for the package, an applicant business must:

  • be a harvest and/or haulage business holding a contract with VicForests to harvest or haul logs in 2023–24
  • hold a current registered Australian business number (ABN)
  • provide a statutory declaration that they will meet all industrial relations obligations as an employer in accordance with National Employment Standards.

Apply now

Apply for the Harvest and Haulage Support Package VIC

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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