Livestock Underpass Grant Scheme SA

Funding is available to SA livestock primary producers, abattoirs and sale yards to establish livestock underpasses between farming properties.
This grant is currently closed to applications
Application detail:

Applications close 30 June 2024, or when funding has been exhausted, whichever comes first.

What do you get?

Matched funding of up to $100,000.

Who is this for?

South Australian farming enterprises


Grants will be calculated as 50% of the eligible costs associated with the purchase of materials and construction of the underpass, including:

  • excavation (including relocation of utilities)
  • installation of underpass infrastructure, including earthworks, culverts, disconnection and reconnection of services, crash barriers, drainage, tracks and reasonable fencing, costs of planning and design
  • traffic management and any other work deemed necessary by the relevant authority, including costs associated with getting permits.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible for this grant, you must be either:

  • an entity operating a licensed abattoir or livestock sale yard
  • a primary producer who has earned more than 50% of your gross income for the past 2 years from your primary production business,

Additionally, applicants must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN) and be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
  • own, lease, or share-farm the property/properties to be linked by the proposed underpass
  • operate as a sole trader, partnership, trust. local government authority or private company.

Apply now

Apply for the Livestock Underpass Grant Scheme SA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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