Mainland Tasmania Livestock Producers: Seasonal Conditions Scheme

One-off payments are available for primary production livestock businesses on Mainland Tasmania impacted by the extended dry conditions.
Closes in 35 days

Closing date: Saturday 31 August 2024 Sat 31 Aug 2024

Application detail:

Applications will close when funding is exhausted or on 31 August 2024, whichever occurs first.

What do you get?

One-off payments of up to $5,000.

Who is this for?

Primary production livestock businesses on Mainland Tasmania.


Payments are available to farm businesses that have experienced or expect to experience, financial impact, causing some hardship, due to the extended dry conditions, for example from:

  • increased freight costs
  • increased feed costs
  • increased pasture recovery costs.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • hold an active Australian business number (ABN) at the time of application
  • hold a Property Identification Code (PIC)
  • be a beef, sheep or dairy primary producer (other livestock or primary production businesses may be considered on a case-by-case basis)
  • operate at least a 20-hectate farm property in any area of Tasmania, excluding King and Flinders Islands.

Apply now

Apply for the Mainland Tasmania Livestock Producers: Seasonal Conditions Scheme

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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