NT Horticultural Netting Program

This program provides funding for Northern Territory primary producers of horticultural crops to help them purchase and install new netting and associated structures.
This grant is currently closed to applications
Application detail:

Applications close 30 June 2024, or when funds are fully expended, whichever occurs first.

What do you get?

Matched funding of up to $100,000.

Who is this for?

Northern Territory primary producers of horticultural crops.


Funding is available to Northern Territory primary producers on a 50:50 co-contribution basis for:

  • new or replacement netting
  • associated support structures for commercial land use.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be registered with the Australian Taxation Office as a primary production business and have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be a property owner, share farmer or leaseholder in the horticulture industry in the NT
  • buy and install protective netting over existing commercial horticulture produce
  • earn more than 50% of their total income from primary productions.

Apply now

Apply for the NT Horticultural Netting Program

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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