Play Now Melbourne

This program provides games developers with the opportunity to attend Australia's pre-eminent games market to promote their games to a global audience.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

Opportunity to participate in Play Now Melbourne.

Who is this for?

Games developers.


Taking place during Melbourne International Games Week, Play Now Melbourne is Australia’s pre-eminent games market. The market is designed to connect local developers with leading international publishers and game platform holders, facilitating meaningful business development opportunities.

Applications are open for developers from across Australia who have projects in active development looking to secure funding, publishing services, or marketplace support.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible, you must:

  • be an Australian individual or company
  • own or control the rights to any projects in your application
  • have pitch materials and/or a playable build demonstrating a project in active development, including early-stage concept, prototyping, vertical slice, or full production
  • have a team in place developing and delivering a project capable of obtaining an Australian classification
  • be able to attend Melbourne International Games Week and Play Now Melbourne on Thursday 10 October 2024 in person, and attend advance briefings (online or in-person).

Apply now

Apply for the Play Now Melbourne

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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