Tasmanian Exporter of the Year Grant

The winner of the 2024 Tasmanian Exporter of the Year award will receive funding to attend an international trade show or event, or join a Tasmanian Government trade mission.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

One-off grant of $10,000.

Who is this for?

The winner of the 2024 Tasmanian Exporter of the Year award.


Funding is available for the winner of the Tasmanian Exporter of the Year award to attend an international trade show or event, or join a Tasmanian Government trade mission, up to the value of $10,000.

Check if you can apply

To be eligible to apply for the award, and associated grant, applicants must:

  • earn foreign income
  • hold an active Australian business number (ABN)
  • operate as a separate business if part of a larger organisation
  • maintain appropriate business ethics and demonstrate a commitment to legal obligations including anti-bribery laws and laws to combat modern slavery, both in Australia and overseas markets.

Apply now

Apply for the Tasmanian Exporter of the Year Grant

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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