Vineyard Rebate for Ethephon Trial SA

This program provides SA grape growers with the opportunity to take part in an Ethephon trial.
This grant is currently closed to applications
Application detail:

Applications will close 31 January 2024, or when the 5,000 hectare cap is reached.

What do you get?

A rebate of $40 per hectare sprayed to cover the cost of Ethephon, up to 1000 hectares per Australian business number (ABN).

Who is this for?

SA grape growers.


The Australian wine industry is currently experiencing an oversupply of red wine grapes. Growers with uncontracted fruit may wish to consider resting their vineyard.

One option for vineyard resting is to use a treatment to significantly reduce fruit set in grapevines.

This program provides SA grapegrowers with the opportunity to participate in a trial using Ethephon, which appears to be an effective chemical to reduce crop yield, and allowing the vineyard asset to be maintained under reduced management costs until market conditions improve.

Check if you can apply

Growers who choose to trial Ethephon as a method to rest red wine vines are invited to apply for a rebate.

Red wine grape growers across all South Australian regions are eligible to apply.

Applicants must:

  • hold an active Australian business number (ABN)
  • have an active Grape Grower Vine Health Vineyard Identifier Number
  • have a commercial vineyard located in SA.

Apply now

Apply for the Vineyard Rebate for Ethephon Trial SA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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