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How the R&D Tax Incentive has helped other companies
The R&DTI has helped LLEAF cultivate university research into a groundbreaking ag-tech startup.
The R&DTI helps Bugs for Bugs survive its long-term R&D projects before it gets financial returns.
Medical startup has used the R&DTI to develop world-first technology that allows voice-loss patients to be heard.
The R&DTI has helped Alcolizer Technology develop their product range, allowing them to break into new markets.
Perth-based biotechnology company, Biotome, develops next generation antibody diagnostic tools.
Admedus Immunotherapies is a global leader in developing life-saving vaccines and treatments for the human papilloma virus (HPV).
CathRx have used the R&DTI to develop a life-saving and cost-effective medical device.
The R&DTI helps LBT Innovations invest more into its R&D of revolutionary medical technology.
Vaxxas is working on a new, less invasive vaccine delivery technology that creates a more potent immune response.
Built Environment
The R&DTI has helped BOSS Fire and Safety lead the way in innovating passive fire protection products.
Under the R&DTI, Heuch delivered refrigeration, heating and off-grid power solutions to remote Australia.
LAVO has used the R&DTI to collaborate with researchers to pioneer clean energy storage systems.
The R&DTI has helped Lithium Battery Systems develop customisable batteries that are more powerful, advanced and safer compared to imports.
Rainbow Bee Eater has developed a system that uses easily-available biomass to produce clean, commercial quantities of energy.
Under the R&DTI, RayGen is developing more efficient solar power technologies that can be manufactured more cheaply.
The R&D Tax Incentive has helped Quantum Brilliance commercialise synthetic diamond research which could make quantum computing an everyday technology.
With the support of the R&D Tax Incentive, BluGlass is increasing the capacity of Australia’s advanced electronics and manufacturing sectors and taking on global markets.
Materials technology company leverages the R&DTI to bring new capabilities to modern technology.
Textor Technologies manufactures absorbent fabrics for healthcare and personal care.
Zedelef is transducing technology enables a new generation of optical sensor networks.
Under the R&DTI, Micro-X Limited saw the opportunity to use carbon nano-tube technology in mobile X-ray carts to improve the portability.
Arafuna Resources is using Australia's natural resources to create clean energy.
The R&DTI supports Latrobe Magnesium while it turns waste into a valuable resource.
Software Development
Ping Services used the R&DTI to create world-first intelligent listening technology aimed at protecting industrial wind farms from damage.
Perth-based robotics company Chironix used the R&DTI to help create robots for humans, increasing productivity and safety.
intelliHR created a people management and data analytics software as a service designed to deliver tailored solutions for companies.
BAE Systems Australia uses the R&DTI to invest in effective defence technologies.
Biarri Networks is making high-speed internet a global reality.
Dysrupt Labs has built a platform to develop unique datasets and improve forecasting accuracy.
Liquid Instruments is a start-up that manufactures gravitational wave equipment.
Nura uses the R&DTI to leverage local knowledge to best develop and innovate.
OCIUS Technology has used the R&DTI to become a leader in advanced ocean technologies.
How two mates from Adelaide managed to take the fiction out of science fiction and sell it to the world.
Other sectors
The R&DTI helps CBG Systems design and install cost-effective safety technology.
While some customer stories may refer to AusIndustry, the R&D Tax Incentive is co-administered by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (on behalf of Industry Innovation and Science Australia) and the Australian Taxation Office.